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Annabellethecat, you are such a sweet person. You don't give yourself enough credit. You are never stupid. I never read anything about Grimm, so I know the only place I would have heard the name Eddie was from the show. If you want a good chuckle, Google Eddie Munster's wolf wolf doll. There is one picture of him in a checkered bathrobe that looks exactly like Monroe. It's possible that none of the cast or writers are old enough to know about Eddie Munster, but I am old and that's what I thought of.
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Thanks cosmic, I will do that. I am 68 so I well remember the Munsters. In fact I have a Dr who looks so much like Cousin It it's crazy. He's a wonderful Dr. but every time I look at him I think about cousin "It" (he dosn't have the hair).

I (along with everyone) loved the way Cosmo loved his Morticia.

I tried to watch the first episode on You Tube but they wanted $1.99 to watch it. Normally I would have paid but it's the principal of the thing. I think I remember when they first met. I've read (as have most of you too probably) in interviews with Mr. Mitchell and the original writer (forget his name) that Monroe wasn't supposed to last more than 1 or 2 episodes but everyone loved him so much........and....the rest is history.....lucky for us.

I'm always afraid they are going to kill off some of our favorite characters. So far (for real) I think the actress who plays Rosalie has had at least one child (right). I hope she doesn't quit the show. However, as a Mom, I could understand if she did.

Here's to you Cosmic a salute to one who loves TV like I do.{#emotions_dlg.biggrin}

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There's another place where they say Monroe is his first name because his father called on the phone and asked to speak to Monroe and wouldn't have called his son by his last name
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I'm just going by the 1st season when they introduced the character. The writers can change their minds at any time, LOL. Until they write otherwise, I consider the show to be canon and Monroe is Eddie Monroe to me.

I do know someone in real life who didn't like his first name and made his parents call him by his last name, so that didn't strike me as unusual.

Ultimately, I think it is a continuity issue with the writing. It may be due to the fact that Monroe was not supposed to be a permanent character, but the show runners changed their mind(s) when he was so popular.

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Whenever you search it Eddie Monroe seems to come from the first season's casting sheet but there doesn't seem to be any episode where he is called that That's what I'm going by
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I remember it from the episode when he and Nick meet and he tells Nick his name is Eddie, but everyone calls him Monroe. I never read any casting sheets (or anything else that referred to him as Eddie), so I'm going by what I watched on the show. I may be off by the episode that it was in, but it was in regards to Nick's question about his name.

Maybe that was the pilot I am thinking of? I just remember it was from lines spoken in the tv show, not anything that I had read.

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I did do some looking up on the internet and in a couple of Oregon papers, they were writing up the show and both had the following description:

Set in modern-day Portland, the show follows homicide detective Nick Burkhardt (David Giuntoli) as he discovers that he is the last in the Grimm family line, whose duty is to protect the public from living fairy-tale evil. This includes witches, werewolves, and the like, and Nick’s partner Hank Griffin (Russell Hornby), his love interest Juliette Silverton (Bitsie Tulloch), and bad-wolf-gone-good Eddie Monroe (Silas Weir Mitchell) are all on hand for support as Nick comes to terms with the truth of his heritage.

USA Today in July 2011:

Not all the demons that Burckhardt can detect are villains. Silas Greer Mitchell (My Name is Earl) plays Eddie Monroe, a werewolf-like monster who helps the detectives track down the perpetrator. "These types of demons exist in the real world. It's just that Grimms can see them for what they really are," Mitchell said. "I'm playing one of the characters who has a battle with his demon. I'm just an average vegetarian clockmaker who is trying not to turn into a wolf."

A write up from the pilot, which is what I recollected ( is the link):

After Nick has pursued and arrested the wolf-man, they find no evidence against him and must let him go. Nick is not convinced, though. After pouring through Marie’s book some more, he returns to the house of the wolf-man to do some surveillance. He is discovered, yet after a brief tussle, the wolf invites him in for a beer. Nick learns that his name is Eddie Monroe (Silas Weir Mitchell), and he is a “Blutbad,” better known as The Big Bad Wolf.


So, I am not senile. I did hear that in the show. LOL. I think the reruns are coming to TNT, so we can all rewatch and see for ourselves.

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I just watched the first two episodes of season one on amazon prime and didn't hear anyone call him anything other than Monroe and when the credits ran at the end it didn't show the leading characters or stars just the guest stars but I think that might just have how amazon showed the credits so I don't know. Maybe someone else will watch it
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I get confused with how they number the episodes, but the pilot one was the one where there was another Blutbad (a mailman) killing girls wearing red. This is where Nick meets Monroe for the first time - he sees him woge when some girls walk by. Monroe is at his mailbox, he smells the girls and woges and then Nick tackles him. Is that the 1st one that you saw?

Evidently, after Nick and Hank have to let Monroe go, Nick goes back to spy on him and Monroe tackles Nick outside his house and when they stop fighting and Nick goes in to have a beer with Monroe - that is where Nick learns that Monroe's full name is Eddie.

Maybe I am senile after all, LOL, but I don't know how I would have come up with Eddie with no other input but the show.

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That postman one is the first episode and it didn't air until October 28 2011 and the guy writing that article seems to be writing about new shows for the fall season that he might have seen in previews for the critics but may have also been writing from show promo materials. But there are other people who when you search swear the name was cut out. So I don't know. I would like to know how the credits run on the DVD