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I was looking for a thread on this movie and couldn't find one. This movie is available with your Prime subscription. The movie was excellent as were the performances. It is of course is a sad movie the lynching of Emmitt Till because he dared to whistle at a white women. It is disscipable that two men were found not guilty and the woman who was whistled at took the stand and lied, she was never brought up on charges. 

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I can't bring myself to watch the movie and view the horrific murder of Emmett Till and see how some in parts of the country thought and acted not that long ago.


It is just too painful.

"Justice will not be served until those who are unaffected are as outraged as those who are." BF
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I became aware of Emmitt Till's story several years ago, it is heartbreaking but his mother really did more for the rights of blacks that probably anyone else, she brought things to light that were being brushed under the rug.  Ii watched this movie shortly after it came out.  The woman that lied about him recently died.


The saddest part to me is that the historical marker for where his body was found to this day gets vandalized, hatred is alive and well.

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A heartbreaking tragedy and a disgrace from those who accused Emmit, those who murdered him and those who never found his killers guilty. No justice, no peace.


I haven't seen the movie yet but definitely will...



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I cannot watch it either. What that family must have gone through is unimaginable in my head and heart.  I am well aware of the tragedy so I don't need to look at it.  

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That movies just made me cry, that is just unthinkable I can't imagine any parent going through that.

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I didn't watch the movie.  There are things that are too brutal and human to immerse myself in the name of entertainment.  I have always known about the case.  I agree, it no one paid that child's murder.  

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A painful and so sad part of our history.

There are no words that can ever explain why man chose to willfully cause pain on other men. 

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Watch this movie!!!!!! There is NO depiction of Emmett's murder in the film. It focuses on his mother and the aftermath.

It is a must see.