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Thursday 8/13/2015: Big Brother 17 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

Operation "Sink Shelli" still seems to be on track. Becky made a furious effort to save Shelli and get Vanessa voted out, but came up short. Becky's now trying to figure out a way to patch things up with Vanessa. (Good luck with that!)


Austin seems solidly with James, Jackie, and Meg. The twins, especially Julia, are a bit more up in the air. They still seem pretty loyal to Vanessa. Austin thinks they'll do what he says, but he could find himself in trouble pretty soon. I believe it was Julia yesterday who was commenting on how they needed a girl to win.


Depending on who wins HOH tonight, Steve, John, and Vanessa seem most at risk. Becky's just behind them, then everyone else is about equally at risk. Meg may find herself nominated as a pawn.


The houseguests were shown videos yesterday for about an hour to study for one of tonight's comps. They've split up into various groups to study and go over the details in the videos. We didn't get to see the videos, but the houseguests did and have been studying hard.


Things seem pretty stable right now. Shelli's going to the jury, even Becky has largely given up on saving her. Then either things will go according to plan if one of the plotters wins HOH, but if John, Steve, or Julia wins, all bets are off.


It should be a good show tonight. It'll open with a brief recap of things leading up to now and then about ten to fifteen minutes in we'll jump to the live vote where Shelli will be voted out. Julie will do a brief interview with Shelli while the houseguests get positioned for the HOH comp. Someone will win the HOH, Julie will call them into the living room and the two nominees will be named. Then the POV players will be picked (typically during a commercial break.) Then the POV comp will take place (often hopping over obstacles and finding items in straw, dirt, sand etc. Then racing back to push the button.) Then the POV ceremony will take place, and the final vote will then take place. Another houseguest will leave and then overnight they'll have another HOH comp to pick the new HOH for the rest of the week. It should be an interesting night.

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Re: Thursday 8/13/2015: Big Brother 17 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

Thanks, Gardenman!


I will be trying my hardest to wake up in the middle of the night to see who won HOH!


I don't understand why, on last night's show, with such a wealth of footage they had to show so many houseguests explaining the comic book comp from the diary room.  We get it anyway, but it only takes one to explain they must -- what a waste of time.


The comic books this year were so good.  I loved Austin's heehee.  The look on Julia's face when Liz and Austin were caressing -- and her "ewwwwwwww" in the diary room -- priceless!!!  


I wonder if Julia would be on board behind Liz's back to ditch Austin so he's forced to get his yucky hands off her sister?

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Re: Thursday 8/13/2015: Big Brother 17 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

I'm quite sure Julia would have no trouble voting out Austin. She tolerates him, but knows they're viewed as a trio, and that makes them a threat. She'd have no trouble flushing Austin.

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Re: Thursday 8/13/2015: Big Brother 17 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

[ Edited ]

Yay!  I would love to see that!!!  



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Re: Thursday 8/13/2015: Big Brother 17 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

Is OTEV tonight or there's not enough time?  Love that one!  

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Re: Thursday 8/13/2015: Big Brother 17 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

This is just a general question..Did I miss the show that would have showed James seeing his "head of household" room? I was wondering why they would show everyone elses but not him, any info appreciated thanks

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Re: Thursday 8/13/2015: Big Brother 17 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

The past few seasons the editing has been horrible. Last year "Pinky Grande" waS the darling. This year it seems Shelli gets lots of DR footage. They used to show more fun comps, the nomination keys being turned,and interesting footage . It's almost like the execs are sleepwalking through the shows. I also am sick of these stupid players always backdooring every week. It's not a surprise anymore. They need to forever lose the battle of the Block, the stupid Takeover,the twin twist (unless it's done better), and get back to basics.  This season is better than last but it's the decisions made be production that make no sense to me.

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Re: Thursday 8/13/2015: Big Brother 17 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

@LoriLori wrote:

Is OTEV tonight or there's not enough time?  Love that one!  

I'm afraid there's no time for OTEV tonight. That's a complicated comp to set up and it takes up the whole backyard. Tonight will be smaller scale comps. The HOH comp is likely to be a Q&A. The POV on a double eviction is typically a race over/under hurdles/obstacles to find objects hidden in debris of some sort. (Known by BB fans as 'The Clown Shoe' comp for Jeff Schroeder's year when he mistakenly tossed his clown shoe out with the debris and got voted out, breaking up Jeff and Jordan.) The late night HOH comp will likely be a skill comp of some sort like guiding a ball down a tilting platform or something. They're easy to set up and take down. We could see OTEV on Saturday though.

Fly!!! Eagles!!! Fly!!!
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Re: Thursday 8/13/2015: Big Brother 17 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

@marzi 1 1 wrote:

This is just a general question..Did I miss the show that would have showed James seeing his "head of household" room? I was wondering why they would show everyone elses but not him, any info appreciated thanks

They're kind of sporadic on what they show. Some weeks you'll get five minutes of the HOH room reveal and other weeks you won't see much, if anything. I'm guessing the reveal of his HOH room lacked excitement, so they didn't air it. 

Fly!!! Eagles!!! Fly!!!
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Re: Thursday 8/13/2015: Big Brother 17 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

I'll be sad if john goes before steve or vanessa.

  I live in PA and don't see any football on the schedule tonight.

Meg was pretty good in that comic comp she was 15 min while becky was 17min.  On the feeds Becky did talk about her time compared to Steve's and why he never wins anything.