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Re: Thursday 8/11/2016 Big Brother Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

[ Edited ]

@occasionalrain wrote:

Pauli may see Michelle's behavior as her knowing she is to be evicted and no longer has anything to lose. When Z goes instead, if she does, the hope may be that he will be outraged, rattled and less able to play at his best.

Excellent strategy anlysis - !!!  I hope Michelle is able to shake his confidence.


The smartest players where Derrick and Dr Will.  Both where about to stick it to people without them realizing what was going on.  

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Re: Thursday 8/11/2016 Big Brother Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

I was thinking about Zakiyah and what she could have done after her talk with Natalie yesterday. I think she was left with a very difficult choice. 


When all was said and done, what could she do? She's fighting to stay in the house this week. If she turned on Paulie and sought refuge with Nat's side of the house she'd guarantee her own departure since they're now with Michelle. Staying on Paulie's good side means she's got a chance to stay (at least she thinks so). She's unaware Paulie's warriors have deserted him so she thinks he's her safety net. 


It's not like staying with him now makes her look any worse than what she's already done. That ship has sailed. She made a big mistake getting mixed up with that guy so either way she went yesterday she was doomed. I don't know if she chose to stick with Paulie because she really thinks they have a relationship or she sees it as a way to stay in the game.


I know it's her own fault for letting it happen, but I do feel bad for her.

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Re: Thursday 8/11/2016 Big Brother Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

We've had Jeff on the feeds for quite a while now. This is probably the HOH lock down while the technicians come in tweak the cameras, precisely place the furniture, adjust the lighting, etc.


When the feeds come back we typically see the house guests grabbing some food, starting to get ready, and just generally killing time until the feeds go down before show time.

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Re: Thursday 8/11/2016 Big Brother Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

@Jasmine19 wrote:

@gardenman wrote:

I've been around a lot of nurses, not all are all that smart.


I've been trying to let your comment about nurses go......but I just can't. I'm a nurse practitioner with a doctoral degree in nursing. I've worked with many registered nurses in a variety of settings, including teaching. Some are a little lazy and some are just plain burnt out (and it shows) but I've never met a nurse who wasn't smart. Even Nicole, with her goofy valley girl manerisms could not have made it out of an RN program without intelligence. Perhaps you meant street smart?




@Jasmine19. No offense was intended. It was merely an observation based on my personal experience. If it's any consolation nurses are generally far better than residents/interns. I've run into a few of those who are exceptionally dense. 

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Re: Thursday 8/11/2016 Big Brother Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

@Annabellethecat66 wrote:



Phew!  I'm tired!  Ha!


I have no doubt of that!  Can also relate to the snacking my way through BBAD.

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Re: Thursday 8/11/2016 Big Brother Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

@CrazyDaisy wrote:

@KKali wrote:

As an athlete, Pauli is used to high pressure competiton. I think it may fire him up rather than hinder his ability to win.

What might fire him up, is if he realizes he will be stuck in the jury house with DaVonne and Zakiyah.

I would love to see him stuck in the jury house with Da and Z.  Wish they'd show more of the jury house - might be more entertaining than the house feeds.

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Re: Thursday 8/11/2016 Big Brother Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

BBAD was Paulie talking non stop about Jersery Girls & the F bomb. Wonder how many times he said those words. Paulie looked like a fool. James is sitting there listening to all the bad talk about Natalie & Z running back to Paulie telling him the convo with Nat. I was getting confused what side are they on but I hope James is now on Nat's side. Is Z going back & forth or did she realize what Nat was saying was true?  Michelle's speech should be something tonight. Corey scares me, he doesn't say much & told Nicole that he is running the house. He said that a few days ago. I think he is the new Derrick. Now  everyone will be playing hard to get HOH or POV .  

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Re: Thursday 8/11/2016 Big Brother Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

Last night on after dark was great, Paulie looked like he had been kicked and stomped to the ground.He came into the game looking handsome and I liked him, but he has now turned into a ugly sunken eyes old looking chap.Noticed he put on deodorant when he was going to start his manuveres,he was sweating and was trying to hide it.

     His foul mouth and the disgusting things he says ,about jersey girls and all women for that matter is his downfall,how could any woman want him to win.?Yes lie,make up stories, but don't bully and downgrade others not a good thing.

    Natallie was coached to go and talk to Z it wasn't  all her idea,I felt they shouldn't tell Z cause she already knows paulie but she doesn't care and didn't she go and tell him everything Natalie said?

    James is he on Nats side or not,I couldn't tell last night seem like he was telling Paulie and Cory everything and agreeing with them.Is it a cover up so Paulie doesn't catch on? not for sure.Hopefully he will be on the other side tonight and do the right thing.

     Nicole is such a nosey witch, and she was telling James she is with him and she really likes him,oh please,James don't fall for it,nicole is only in love with her self and thinks everyone should love her.Sorry but I fell out of love with you this time around.Hope she goes real soon.

      I will be tuning in to this page tonight since most of you will see the show three hours befor its presented here.I cannot wait till nine p.m. pacific time hope you all get on here and let us know,the results,then I will be prepared to watch a great show or a disapointing show. Great responses today.Tucka.






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Re: Thursday 8/11/2016 Big Brother Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

The feeds are back and Paulie's assuring Zakiyah she's safe. I'm pretty sure he's wrong about that.

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Re: Thursday 8/11/2016 Big Brother Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

Is anyone else's BB delayed tonight?  Mine is due to some football game.  I'm sooo mad.  2 A.M. !!!

Conventions, Olympics and now THIS!!  Arrrrgh!!