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Re: Thursday 8/11/2016 Big Brother Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

I love the Hermione Granger reference! Yeah, out of this cast the person with the biggest b*lls is Natalie. The gloves are off now. This is a war and the battle lines are drawn. I strongly expect Nicole to get wind of what's happening and abandon the good ship Paulie and hope James tosses her a life raft. We may very well see Nicole suddenly decide that an all girl alliance is a good idea. Nicole's a survivor and knows little real loyalty in the game. She's been allied with pretty much everyone this year and if it keeps her in the game she'll be loyal to someone new.

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Re: Thursday 8/11/2016 Big Brother Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

Michelle is planning to annoy Paulie, Nicole and Corey all day to stay on the top of their hit list in case one of them wins HOH and needs a target. She's very appreciative of the team saving her this week and is willing to sacrifice her game if need be to keep the team intact. Things could get kind of feisty today.

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Re: Thursday 8/11/2016 Big Brother Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

@gardenman wrote:

You've got to love Jokers. Someone suggested they should cast Paulie as the new Bachelor and fill the house with Jersey Girls. Paulie would be dead within an hour.

That's hilarious, I might even pay to see a strong, confident woman knock Paulie right off that high horse he's on.


@gardenman As much as I'm enjoying all that's happened I wonder what your take is on the timing. I'm still going through the feeds of what happened last night and just came across Michelle and Paulie yelling at each other. She's in the bedroom, he's in the kitchen. It's funny, and I haven't watched everything yet, but doesn't this kind of give Paulie and his crew an edge as far as what to expect? I feel like it might have been better to blindside him and not give them time to make contingency plans. 


So, what's the worst that could happen? Corey or Nic win the first HoH tonight and Paulie win the second? Of course I'm hoping for the best with someone from Nat's side winning. I'm just trying to prepare myself in case things go wrong. 

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Re: Thursday 8/11/2016 Big Brother Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

I thought they did one or more competitions where they have to actually use their brain?  Where is that or those?  That, I think, is where some of the girls will excell and maybe be more likely to win.


I don't know but Paulie seems to be the dumbest of the group and second is Corey.  I am so wigged out at how big his eyes get all of the time!  Weird, he really zones out, I almost feel sorry for him.


It just doesn't seem to me that Nicole sees this little mini-romance they have being quite as non-existent as Corey seems to feel, as he told Paulie and James last night (while Nicole was out of the room, what an interesting thing.....she's not in the room at that time).

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Re: Thursday 8/11/2016 Big Brother Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

@SusieQ_2 wrote:

@gardenman wrote:

You've got to love Jokers. Someone suggested they should cast Paulie as the new Bachelor and fill the house with Jersey Girls. Paulie would be dead within an hour.

That's hilarious, I might even pay to see a strong, confident woman knock Paulie right off that high horse he's on.


@gardenman As much as I'm enjoying all that's happened I wonder what your take is on the timing. I'm still going through the feeds of what happened last night and just came across Michelle and Paulie yelling at each other. She's in the bedroom, he's in the kitchen. It's funny, and I haven't watched everything yet, but doesn't this kind of give Paulie and his crew an edge as far as what to expect? I feel like it might have been better to blindside him and not give them time to make contingency plans. 


So, what's the worst that could happen? Corey or Nic win the first HoH tonight and Paulie win the second? Of course I'm hoping for the best with someone from Nat's side winning. I'm just trying to prepare myself in case things go wrong. 

The worst case scenario would likely be Paulie winning the first HOH. I truly believe Nicole will bail on Paulie once she hears that he wanted her out and knows that Corey was okay with it. Nicole is a survivor and knows to abandon a sinking ship. I think Paulie has to win that first HOH to survive. Once Paulie's out of the picture the game changes completely. If Paulie wins the first HOH then he'd be a target to the second HOH unless Corey won that HOH. The big question is could Nicole convince Corey to put up Paulie? If Nicole can convince Corey to put up Paulie, then Paulie absolutely has to win that first HOH.

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Re: Thursday 8/11/2016 Big Brother Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

@Annabellethecat66 wrote:

I thought they did one or more competitions where they have to actually use their brain?  Where is that or those?  That, I think, is where some of the girls will excell and maybe be more likely to win.


I don't know but Paulie seems to be the dumbest of the group and second is Corey.  I am so wigged out at how big his eyes get all of the time!  Weird, he really zones out, I almost feel sorry for him.


It just doesn't seem to me that Nicole sees this little mini-romance they have being quite as non-existent as Corey seems to feel, as he told Paulie and James last night (while Nicole was out of the room, what an interesting thing.....she's not in the room at that time).

This is where we might be surprised. The competition isn't about real intelligence, it's about little things like what day did Frank say such and such about DaVonne? Or, what day did Paul win Hoh, how many blue pillows are on the couch. Silly things that some people don't pay much attention to, but experienced players know they have to know. 


Paulie has everything about the game memorized and could easily pull out a win in a comp like that. He's also a physical threat and can win those comps. It's scary and the best I can hope for is someone from the other side to be his match so they can send him home. His arrogance and rudeness are getting to be too much. 

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Re: Thursday 8/11/2016 Big Brother Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

@gardenman Thanks for your reply. I really hope you're right about Nicole and it makes sense that she'd bail on Paulie if she fears for her own safety. Corey though? He's going to be a tough nut to crack. I think he's fallen in love this season and it's not with Nicole. 

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Re: Thursday 8/11/2016 Big Brother Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

Pauli may see Michelle's behavior as her knowing she is to be evicted and no longer has anything to lose. When Z goes instead, if she does, the hope may be that he will be outraged, rattled and less able to play at his best.

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Re: Thursday 8/11/2016 Big Brother Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

If the eviction order of Zakiyah Michelle Paulie was to ensue - I think the 'drama' at the jury house would be way more interesting than watching the BB live feeds.


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Re: Thursday 8/11/2016 Big Brother Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

As an athlete, Pauli is used to high pressure competiton. I think it may fire him up rather than hinder his ability to win.