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Re: Thursday 11/03/2016 Big Brother Over The Top Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

Everytime someone leaves they take a place setting away. Why don't they use the grill? I think the girls are afraid of it plus none know how to cook. I really thought Justin would be grilling everything. I am not a big fan of Alex or Morgan. It's their personalities that  I don't like.    

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Re: Thursday 11/03/2016 Big Brother Over The Top Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

I'm sorry but I have to say this....I don't know what people see in Jason.  He is so obnoxious.  He and his crew play nasty tricks on the other side, call them names behind their back and the language and conversational subjects they have are inexcusable.  Am I missing something??? He is not nice.  Degrades women by calling them "Ho's".  He does not deserves to win this game.  He has no gumption, still living at home in the basement at age 28, smokes like a chimney (which is probably why he has an "acne" problem).  I know multiple people have tried to help him including Vanessa BB17 but apparently to no avail,  YET, they all love him. If he wins, it will of made 2 BBs in a row that someone won it that didn't deserve the honor.


Sorry,  I had to get that out. 

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Re: Thursday 11/03/2016 Big Brother Over The Top Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

[ Edited ]

I am not, have never been and in all likelihood, will never be a Jason fan. I would probably throw him off the balcony if I was in the BB house with him. I've never been a fan of his and I won't ever be a fan of his.


As to the grill, Justin does most of the cooking and he doesn't grill for some reason. Normally a grill is a very popular item, but it's just taking up space this year. No one's using it.


The house is getting ready for their chat with Julie now.

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Re: Thursday 11/03/2016 Big Brother Over The Top Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

I read somewhere that Jason lives in the basement because he doesn't make enough money at his job plus also read (maybe it's true or not) his Mom has some health issues & he is there if she needs him. My grocery store is hiring & big huge board saying baggers get $9.50 an hour & cashiers get $10 but this is Az. My DD lives by herself in 1 bedroom apt $950 a month plus add in utlilities & other expenses. She has college ed & works at ins. co. for 5 yrs and still she struggles. I try to help out with paper & cleaning supplies. She lives off dollar tree finds. I know Jason lives near Boston and maybe rent is even more than DD is paying.

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Re: Thursday 11/03/2016 Big Brother Over The Top Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

Jason is pushing Kryssie hard to separate from Justin. If Jason wins the Co-HOH, he might just put up Justin, or work with Shelby to get Justin up and out. He's convinced Justin threw the HOH comp and isn't happy about it. He's working to split Kryssie off from Justin and Kryssie is fighting back a bit so he's now moderating his approach. They think Justin is in the Have Not room, but he's up having fun with the girls. 

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Re: Thursday 11/03/2016 Big Brother Over The Top Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

"Well, this is not going to be a popular statement but I am voting for Jason.  Yes, he is rude, crude, and socially unacceptable but I just can't help myself - I like the kid.  I also think since he got a 2nd chance he is taking it much more seriously than he did the 1st time.  It will also be fun to see Shelby and Jason as co-HOHs' since they hate each other." @sabra


So you're the one to blame for Jason being ahead in polls for the CP? Why, if you here I'd....just kidding! You're very brave to admit your affinity for him amidst a group of us who find him less than desirable. I have to think there's something you see that draws you to him that I haven't yet seen, but if we all had the same favorites the world would be a boring place. And who knows what will happen anyway? Last week Shelby had the power to cancel three eviction votes and still lost an alliance member. This week should be a fun one to watch.


Also, nice to see you. You don't come 'round often enough! Cat Happy

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Re: Thursday 11/03/2016 Big Brother Over The Top Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

I am the cat sitting on the fence, I am not taking a side. I really want strong players for F3. I would love to see Alex & Dani right now for F3 the other one I do not know. Jokesters have a poll (another poll which maybe just an idea) but seems the vote to win is Shelby. I hope F3 is strong players which to me is the girls. Justin & Jason are more social players. I do not like when they bring back a vet. Nicole disappointed me & she won. BBOTT players that left are the ones I would have picked to go. It's usually getting rid of the strong players 1st but this game I want the weak to go & see how strong the others are at the end.  

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Re: Thursday 11/03/2016 Big Brother Over The Top Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

@gardenman wrote:

Jason is pushing Kryssie hard to separate from Justin. If Jason wins the Co-HOH, he might just put up Justin, or work with Shelby to get Justin up and out. He's convinced Justin threw the HOH comp and isn't happy about it. He's working to split Kryssie off from Justin and Kryssie is fighting back a bit so he's now moderating his approach. They think Justin is in the Have Not room, but he's up having fun with the girls. 

I have to admit I haven't watched today since I overdosed last night with the show and the comp but that makes no sense to me. How would Jason expect Justin to beat a time of less than four minutes? Jason played the same comp and didn't do any better so what's his excuse? 


Justin doesn't seem to have a lot going on upstairs which is surprising. He was talking about his family last night and it sounds like he has some pretty bright siblings. He said he has a brother who graduated from Hamline University in Minnesota with a degree in physics and a younger sister (21) who is going to medical school to become a doctor. 


Even so, Justin still doesn't even know the rules of BB. Last night he was asking about how to use the POV and if he used it would he still be safe. Jason seemed amazed that he's still so unaware of what's going on.

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Re: Thursday 11/03/2016 Big Brother Over The Top Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

Most people seem agree that Kryssie and Danielle are pretty unpleasant people but another controversial character is Justin. Personally, he drives me nuts. His constant jibber-jabber rarely even makes sense and his voice, that I once thought was pretty good, is nothing exceptional. All we hear are the same four or five notes sung over and over all day every day. If I had to be in the BB house and listen to that constant jibberish I'd be tempted to stuff a sock in his mouth.


And yet, there are feeders out there who find him to be endearing and entertaining which just goes to show there's someone for everyone. 



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Re: Thursday 11/03/2016 Big Brother Over The Top Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

[ Edited ]

@SusieQ_2 wrote:

"Well, this is not going to be a popular statement but I am voting for Jason.  Yes, he is rude, crude, and socially unacceptable but I just can't help myself - I like the kid.  I also think since he got a 2nd chance he is taking it much more seriously than he did the 1st time.  It will also be fun to see Shelby and Jason as co-HOHs' since they hate each other." @sabra


So you're the one to blame for Jason being ahead in polls for the CP? Why, if you here I'd....just kidding! You're very brave to admit your affinity for him amidst a group of us who find him less than desirable. I have to think there's something you see that draws you to him that I haven't yet seen, but if we all had the same favorites the world would be a boring place. And who knows what will happen anyway? Last week Shelby had the power to cancel three eviction votes and still lost an alliance member. This week should be a fun one to watch.


Also, nice to see you. You don't come 'round often enough! Cat Happy

Good to be seen.  I've been very busy and haven't had alot of time to watch but am trying to keep up with the basics.  Even I'm not sure why I like Jason but I do.  I think he probably didn't get much attention growing up and maybe he acts a fool to get some attention but that's just a guess.  It's in my nature to try and find some good in everyone.  This IS a game and people play parts and will sometimes do anything to stay in it to win.  EVEL D*CK was WAY worse than Jason and he won.  I'm pretty sure he wasn't the "favorite" but the jury votes on who "played" the best game so at this point it's anyone's game.  Who wins this one will be interesting since we are the jury.


With a double eviction next week it will definitely be lively.  I'd like to see Kryssie and Alex go.  The sisters need to be split up and I like Morgan more than Alex.