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Registered: ‎06-04-2016

@sunshine45 wrote:

i really enjoy watching THE WALTONS. i watch it almost every day or night on the hallmark drama channel. i even enjoy the walton movies that they did after the regular series ended......although there were some inconsistencies in the follow up movies.


i  enjoyed all of the kids on the show.....they each had their own unique personalities within that loving family. speaking of jim of my favorite episodes of his was when he discovered that he was actually a twin and his brother died at birth.


 loved THE HOMECOMING. i dont think patricia neal was too old to play the roll of olivia. she was around 45 at the time. loved when she did a role in a two part episode of LITTLE HOUSE ON THE PRAIRIE.


the recasts of john boy and curt were not great, i agree with that.


i was supposed to see richard thomas in to kill a mockingbird during the upcoming broadway season......hoping that there will still be a chance to see it, even though they are right how shooting for a january reopening.


right this moment i am watching the two part episode when olivia gets polio.


That was a real tear-jerking episode of Little House on the Prairie. One of the best.

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Registered: ‎06-04-2016

I also enjoyed the movie Spencer's Mountain, based on the book by Earl Hamner, Jr. 


The main actors were Henry Fonda (Clay Spencer) and Maureen O'Hara (Olivia Spencer).  James MacArthur was ClayBoy, the JohnBoy character. 


Also in this movie was Victor French, a favorite from Little House on the Prairie.

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I have been watching recently on ME tv . It comes on at noon here . I find I am in a much better mood watching it and forgoing the news. 


As to Jim-Bob the episodes I have been watching lately show him as a real mess up. But then that at times that seems realistic for an adolescent  boy in the shadow of all the other males . 


I do not remember some of the episodes before it stopped . I did lose interest when they brought in 'fake ' John Boy !Smiley Happy 


Someone mentioned watching on Prime Amazon. Are there any that members can watch free ? I only see where and episode can be streamed for $1.99 or purchase dvd s. 


I think Grandma was definitely a woman of her time. The way she was portrayed made me think of the way my Mother described her Grandmother as harsh because of hard times of the country. But I did love the character and Grandpa could make her smile. 


I recently watched the episode referred to by another poster of Olivia & John's 25th anniversary . I enjoyed his retelling of thier meeting and courtship . His parents were leery of her and she was wild ..he was such a steady person  Smiley LOL

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@Highlands72 ITA with you about the "fake" Curt and the "fake" John-Boy. Neither actor was any good and the story lines were totally ridiculous.


Ben was always my favorite, loved his spirit and was willing to go against what others thought he should try. He was really an entrepeneur!

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One of my favorite shows from my childhood. I now watch it (have it on in the background)  3 times a day — at noon on MEtv and at 3&4 on INSP. 

It’s interesting that when the show first began Olivia and Jason had more of a southern accent. Olivia was much more conservative then too. 

I like Grandma and Grandpa — their relationship reminds me of my parents. 

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I love The Waltons!! I can watch it several times a day if I want to since it's on MeTV, Hallmark and INSP.


I agree with the post that mentioned how the actor who played Jim Bob delivered all his lines in a dull, monotone voice. He was OK when he first started on the show but as he grew up his acting just got worse.


There was only one John Boy. His replacement was terrible. So wooden.


I loved how Grandma called Grandpa "old man".


Loved all the scenes between Ike and Corabeth. I didn't like the story that Ike cheated on her though.


Hated the storyline when Mary Ellen discovered that Curt was really alive. It was one thing not to want to be with Mary Ellen because of his injury, but to turn your back on your son? And I hated the actor who replaced Curt.


Loved when Ben married Cindy and how over time they fixed up the shed to live in. 


Loved Jonesy. I wish they had brought the character onto the show sooner to see more stories with him and Mary Ellen.


And lastly, Ralph Waite had the most gorgeous blue eyes!