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Did anyone watch this last night? "A look at the experiences of the members of the NXIVM an organization and sex cult who made headlines for being charged with sex trafficking and racketeering conspiracy". I thought it was slow moving but I'll give it another look.

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Registered: ‎03-16-2010

Re: The Vow Documentary On HBO

So no one watched?

Posts: 43
Registered: ‎11-03-2015

Re: The Vow Documentary On HBO

I watched it...this'ing the whole series.  Other than when they were in the news for sex trafficking, really didn't know much about them.  Very slow, I agree.  However, I found their origins very interesting.  If you are not as old as I am, you won't remember, but it is so reminiscent of EST.  I had a number of friends in the late 70's and early 80's who were seriously into EST.  It was a "human potential" movement founded by Werner Erhard.  It will be interesting to see it unravel.

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Re: The Vow Documentary On HBO

I watched it this morning and will watch the whole series, Why do these cults always involve men preying on women? Are women so gullible or do cults pick certain type of women?

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Posts: 14,738
Registered: ‎03-16-2010

Re: The Vow Documentary On HBO

I watched the second episode Sunday night. I have to say this is a snoozefest, only the last ten minutes of each episode is interesting. I think I'm done ( if you knew me you would know I see everything to the bitter end).