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think i'll need to set the recorder for this each week.  have you seen it?

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Good Morning @Quality Gal. 

I havent seen it yet but like you, think i need to set the DVR.  Looks very interesting.


How is the arm?  Hope it's much better- Ususally breaks are horrible the first few days and get so much better after a week - and you adjust to the cast and your "new" temporary way of living (yuk). I broke my ankle 25+ years ago and the first few nights were a horror.  I truly feel your pain. 


Think of you often...sending good thoughts!


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I watched the first episode.

Seems to be a lot of conflict between characters.

I don't like conflict.


I see the same thing with The Rookie.

Is this some kind of new trend?



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I love this show! So many different storylines going. It’s always interesting. Great actors! This & “The Good Doctor” are my favorites. I haven’t faithfully watched a television series in years & this year I have two that I won’t miss an episode of.


I was so disappointed when I saw “The Good Doctor” wasn’t going to be on last week. Can’t wait until tomorrow’s episodes of both shows.

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I started watching it because I like Emily Van Camp.  I loved her in Revenge and still miss that show!  She is one of the main characters on this show but really is a large ensemble cast so she is just one of many.  I enjoy it though because there are so many characters and interactions and plot lines.  Always something different --- never dull!! 

"A day without sunshine is like, you know, night." - Steve Martin
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I've been watching from the of my favorite shows!

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Registered: ‎09-08-2010

BEST show on TV for a medical drama!

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So now there are at least three active threads currently running about this show...


I liked it last year, less so this year. Not loving the medical device rep. or that entire story line, Last time I looked, they did not have the run of the entire hospital nor were they 'dedicated' to just one facility. Not interesting and not realistic...


I like the addition of Jane Leeves but that's about it... This year sort of smacks of what was done with Code Black: Performance was marginal so TPTB opted to go out and add a bunch of new cast, which didn't save the show or make it better...

In my pantry with my cupcakes...
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Re: The Resident

[ Edited ]

I liked Emily Van Camp in Revenge but not the character she plays in The Resident.

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@stevieb  100% agree with your post.    Unbelievable that a med rep would be allowed the run of the hospital much less be in the OR....  I'm closing in on being done with all of the Chicago shows and the Resident.  Not even sure how much longer the Good Doctor will be able to hang on.   I'm tired of fire shows and doctor shows.     I am still on board with Blue Bloods for now..