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I love it and still watch the reruns.

My favorite episodes are The Bat and when Michael steps on the George Foreman Grill.

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@QVCkitty1 I love love love The Office!! My favorite show of all time. I watch on Netflix almost daily and some episodes I have watched so many times that I can recite the  lines. The character of Michael Scott is cringe, mean, clueless but also he had many heartfelt moments. Season 2 episode "The Injury" is classic Michael Scott and probably one of my favorite episodes of the entire series.

My former boss had many similarities to Michael Scott and that could be why I found the show so funny and relatable.


Jenna Fischer and Angela Kinsey just started doing a podcast called "Office Ladies" where they are reviewing each episode and giving behind the scenes info. They started with the "Pilot" episode and are going in order from there. Been enjoyable to listen to so far.

I am not superstitious, but I am a little stitious.
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I just found this thread.  To quote @Jamstan I love love love The Office!!

Go listen to the new podcast!

If you can dream it you can do it--Walt Disney
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I never watched it while it was on, but they show it a lot on cruises, so I started watching once I got home--it's on Comedy channel several days a week.


I love Casino Night and The Job, part 2.

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I love, love, love The Office!  Although, to be perfectly honest, I only watched the seasons after Michael left out of some kind of weird loyalty to the show.  I did not like those seasons.


But, the last few shows before the series ended, were great again! 

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I hated the 'revolving door' of managers after Michael left--especially the Will Ferrell character.  I did not like Robert California or Nellie either.  Neither one of them added anything to the show.

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@DrKelli wrote:

I hated the 'revolving door' of managers after Michael left--especially the Will Ferrell character.  I did not like Robert California or Nellie either.  Neither one of them added anything to the show.

@DrKelli   100% agree.  Both Will Ferrell's character and Robert California were like nails on a chalkboard -- awful!