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What did everyone think? I loved it. The actress who plays Kitty (Oona Chapman) was in The Longest Ride (she played Alan Alda's wife). She is really good.

QVC Shopper - 1993

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I have such a hard time getting past the Downton Abbey actors in their new roles. Does Masterpiece hire anyone other than the same 10 people? LOL

QVC Shopper - 1993

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I posted on Poldark forum that I loved the Crimson Field. I don't watch Downton Abbey so these people are new to me. I love period pieces and thought the acting was good (the British always are, aren't they) and the story lines were compelling. I will be a watcher!

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I started watching this because there was nothing else on at that time, and actually enjoyed it.  The only Downton Abbey character I recognized was Mr. Mosley  ........  who were the others?

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I have it recorded-can't wait to watch it-not sure I'd recognize Downton Abbey actors in their new guises. I'll look close.

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@Hooty wrote:

I started watching this because there was nothing else on at that time, and actually enjoyed it.  The only Downton Abbey character I recognized was Mr. Mosley  ........  who were the others?


Spratt (Jeremy Swift), the Dowager's butler,  is the Quartermaster for the hospital.  At the end of the episode he was yelling encouragement to the troops heading to the Front.  He was also in the last season of Foyle's War as one of the Labour politicians advising Sam's husband.

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Oh! momshans, You really need to see Downton Abbey!  If you like period pieces, you will love it!  It's beautifully done.


I hope you look it up and come back and let some of us know how you like it.  It's exactly like something you'd like.


Did you get a chance to see "The White Queen" when it was on?  It was really good.  A lot of us here liked that one too.  Look that up.  I think you'll like that one.  It was on about 1 year ago but you can probably see it because it was on again a few months ago.


Please let us know what you think of these shows.  I always hesitate to recommend things to people as we are all so different, but these shows are tops.

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I had not heard of The White Queen, but I know my sister reads all of Philipa Gregory's books, so I'm sure it's a good story. I set a TiVo one pass just in case it comes on again. Thanks.

QVC Shopper - 1993

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@VaBelle35 wrote:

I had not heard of The White Queen, but I know my sister reads all of Philipa Gregory's books, so I'm sure it's a good story. I set a TiVo one pass just in case it comes on again. Thanks.


The White Queen was on Starz.  If you subscribe to the channel, you can watch on Starz Play.

Pillars of the Earth might still be there as well.  Building a medieval cathedral.

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: The Crimson Field (PBS)

[ Edited ]

I rented the White Queen from Netflix and did not care for it, didn't even finish watching it!


Oh, I guess I wouldn't have even recognized Spratt, but I'll look for him next week!