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The Closer - Brenda's Parents

I have been watching reruns of the Closer.  It's an all round great show, but I love it when Brenda's  parents are on.


Frances Sternhagen is wonderful.  I checked and she is 89 now.  Was 82 when she left the show.  Barry Corbin is actually 10 or 11 years younger than Sternhagen.


I still miss that show.  I DVR the ones with a lot of comedy and when I can't sleep I play them.  Provenza and Flynn are great too.


As an aside, when they brought on the new kitten, Joel, they got 3 rescue brothers and named them Pope, Taylor and Fritz.

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Re: The Closer - Brenda's Parents

Me too! ITA. Love!  Cat HappyCat Very Happy I have all 104 episodes on my DVR and it does still air on Lifetime M-F 8am EST.  This coming Monday at 9AM starts the series over from the beginning...S1 E1 if anyone is interested.  I have been watching Major Crimes as well but the episodes aired are hit and miss.  Instead of kitties we have Rusty...LOL!

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Re: The Closer - Brenda's Parents

@avid shopper   I know what you mean about Rusty.  I know he started the Stroh storyline but I did not like the character at all.  Loved Billy Burke as Philip Stroh though.

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Re: The Closer - Brenda's Parents

This series is one of my very favorites.  When it ended, there was Major Crimes.  Loved that show, as well.  It took me a bit to get into it, but that was well worth it.  Sad when that ended.

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Re: The Closer - Brenda's Parents

I hardly watched the show when it was on but caught the whole series recently on a  channel that aired them in order. I can't get into Major Crimes - Mary McDonnell or her character speaking style turns me off. That soft spoken - slow speaking makes me nuts. Or maybe it is monotone - there's something about it....

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Re: The Closer - Brenda's Parents

@CrazyKittyLvr2  We love that show as well, her parents were great! I also really liked the grey haired older man, I think he was a detective, but cannot say for sure...dry sense of humor.

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Re: The Closer - Brenda's Parents

That's one of the few shows I've actually watched 2 times.  I very seldom do that.


I watched it when it was first on and then a few months ago I watched it from the beginning to the end.

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Re: The Closer - Brenda's Parents

I LOVE The Closer and Major Crimes!  I really love it when they have a marathon and I can watch it all day long!

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Re: The Closer - Brenda's Parents

[ Edited ]

@CrazyKittyLvr2:  Brenda's parents were a hoot.  I always enjoyed episodes with them. I still miss the show. After it ended, I did watch Major Crimes and enjoyed it because all but a few of the characters continued on in this show. I always hoped Brenda would show up on an episode of Major Crimes but no such luck. You're right about Flynn and Provenza, they always seemed to end up in awkward and sometimes hilarious situations. Oh well...there's always reruns.

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Re: The Closer - Brenda's Parents

OMG, just watched one when her Dad had the walker with red and blue flashing lights and yellow crime scene tape on it. I told DD I wanted my walker like that. lol  She said fine but your not going with me like that.  Darn kid.