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Re: The Affair - Fifth and Final Season (Spoilers Possible)

I watch so many shows (so many shows so little time) I have trouble remembering where they ended.


I remembered the 'basics' (i.e. the neighbor being pregnant, husband dying).


For some reason (go figure) I didn't have trouble keeping up (who's who and who's point of view are we watching).  Normally, I'm way out in left field and a punt is about to happen (sorry, I'm in a baseball mood).


If you guys think this show is a downer and you like downers you should watch Poldark.  That show guarantees you someone (or more) will die in the course of the season...The clothes always look like people are in constant mourning.


Anyway, I guess we can see why (as if we didn't already know) why everyone looks elsewhere for their enjoyment (as opposed to effervescent Helen).


Enough said.  I think I'll go cut my head off now.  Ha!Smiley Frustrated

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Re: The Affair - Fifth and Final Season (Spoilers Possible)


Yes, Helen is so anxiety-ridden and such a self-centered person, she is exhausting to watch! (I also cannot stand Whitney, her daughter, who is the Poster Child for Over-endulged Offspring!)

Annabelle, I'm laughing out loud at your description of Poldark. I've never seen it, but now I DEFINITELY don't want to see sounds like a complete "downer!" Your post is funny, kitty! 😁💜
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Re: The Affair - Fifth and Final Season (Spoilers Possible)

@Tique wrote:

I had forgotten how miserable Helen always seems to be. I know this was a sad time in her life but it wouldn't have mattered. She's never happy.


Maura Tierney is fabulous in this role!

“The soul is healed by being with children.”
— Fyodor Dostoyevsky
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Re: The Affair - Fifth and Final Season (Spoilers Possible)

Talk about not knowing what's going on!!!  Am I the only one who feels this way???  Watched all the seasons and the beginning of Season 5 last night really threw me for a loop.  "Think" Joanie was a married woman with 2 kids.  How'd she get that old when others in the show remained basically the same age.  If this last season is going in this direction, I may not watch.  

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Re: The Affair - Fifth and Final Season (Spoilers Possible)

I guess they fast forwarded 30 years so they can solve the mystery of what happened to Alison. I will stick with it to the end, I am a glutton for punishment. They wrecked one of my favorite shows last season.

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Re: The Affair - Fifth and Final Season (Spoilers Possible)


@coffee drinker wrote:

Talk about not knowing what's going on!!!  Am I the only one who feels this way???  Watched all the seasons and the beginning of Season 5 last night really threw me for a loop.  "Think" Joanie was a married woman with 2 kids.  How'd she get that old when others in the show remained basically the same age.  If this last season is going in this direction, I may not watch.  

@coffee drinker   That's exactly what I thought last night ! Sometimes it's hard to figure ad they to dot go back and forth telling obe characters story then another,  but I can follow .  Last night was strange.   The show was so good seasons 1 and 2 ,  even 3 ,  but it's time to end now especially with Allson gone ,   I hated that they had her character killed or was it suicide 😉.   It changes the whole show fir me.   I think Helen is a downer,  is a great Actress, but she sure has aged from last season IMO.   I will wAtch till the end though.

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Re: The Affair - Fifth and Final Season (Spoilers Possible)

@coffee drinker wrote:

Talk about not knowing what's going on!!!  Am I the only one who feels this way???  Watched all the seasons and the beginning of Season 5 last night really threw me for a loop.  "Think" Joanie was a married woman with 2 kids.  How'd she get that old when others in the show remained basically the same age.  If this last season is going in this direction, I may not watch.  


The points of view from Noah and Helen are present day. The point of view from Joanie takes place 20 to 30 years from now. They will no doubt tie it all together in future episodes. There were several articles recently about the plots, so I wasn't surprised last night. 


“The soul is healed by being with children.”
— Fyodor Dostoyevsky
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Re: The Affair - Fifth and Final Season (Spoilers Possible)

[ Edited ]

The Joanie and Noah scenes don't take place much farther in time than last season.  Have posters who have an issue with the Joanie scenes never heard of flashbacks (or in this case flash forwards)?   The program is switching back and forth in time, from near-present to a couple of decades in the future.

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Re: The Affair - Fifth and Final Season (Spoilers Possible)

@MarnieRez3  Poldark is based on a book.  I'll go over there and talk about it.


I've never cared for Anna Paquin.  I mean she's a great actress (she was amazing, really amazing in True Blood....I loved it.


I just pictured someone different in the role, but....anyway......


I guess, here we go again.  It's beginning to look like she's yet another tortured soul.  Just what this story needs.  


Watching this show leads one to think everyone is 'a tortured soul'....Ha!

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Re: The Affair - Fifth and Final Season (Spoilers Possible)

@coffee drinker  I was thinking the same thing (about age).  


If I knew these people I'd find out what their secret is to looking the same and bottle the stuff, go on QVC  and make a zillion dollars!  Ha!


Allison's daughter seems like a real treat to be around.  OMG!  I could see the cloud over this poor woman!  So we're supposed to believe she married a cheerful, loving man and she's a pain in the tukus....


That's some house they live in, isn't it.  Even the pill bottle prescription magically appears....I want some of that!


Of course they had to get the nipple shot in.  What was the purpose of that?  Did we need to see these two in the bed either?  I'm not a prude, I just felt like it was thrown in there (I remember they did some of that last season).


I've noticed these (and other writers) rather than using their brain of other ways of showing her feelings like "let's just get this over", they quickly felt the need to show us in all the glory.  It seemed like it went on and on.  Ugh!


I've often felt that there were shows that a 15, 16 and so on year old might watch (and maybe learn a little about human interaction and complicated people) were it not for the writers feeling the need to throw in such blatant sex.  (I'm trying to state it so it's a little less tacky).