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Bella Hadid on Yellowstone?  Count me out.  Her thirsty mom (real housewife "star") probably begged to get her on.  
the show was good when it first started out but now it's a predictable over acted bore to me Hubby loves it still, but I have given up.  

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Good thing there are plenty of choices (and other networks) for you to check out.   


Just fyi, in this section, try to write a more specific title with the name of the show you're discussing.   You'll draw more who actually watch and/or know the show, and have more interesting conversations.


JMO, of course.  Woman Happy

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Yolanda hasn't been oh "Real Housewives " since 2016. I doubt she had any pull getting her daughter on a tv show.  More than likely Bella's agent and her being a well known model.  If she fails as an actor, she won't be back.

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Registered: ‎06-10-2015

Thirsty Mom ? The mom hasn't been on the RH in years........try to keep up

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@MoonieBaby - It would be helpful if you had a more descriptive thread title, so people know what you want to discuss.  I couldn't care less about Bella Hadid or Yellowstone, so I wouldn't have bothered to click in.  I bet there are others who feel the same way.  Maybe you could edit it.  

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Registered: ‎06-29-2016

TV:  Too Vague 

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Registered: ‎07-12-2011

One cameo appearance in one episode.