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Posts: 1,393
Registered: ‎03-28-2010
Tv execs= garbage
Majority of Americans not being listened to. Pushing their soulless trash onto everyone. It has almost come to ripping the TV off the wall. It's hard to find anything that has any true value on tv or at the movies.
There are some faith based movies still being made thank goodness
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Registered: ‎06-21-2010

@lgfan  "dating" Smiley LOL

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Registered: ‎10-02-2021

TLC - the LOSER channel. The people in ALL of the shows are TRASHY and LOW CLASS.

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Registered: ‎06-08-2021

@Midmod wrote:
Tv execs= garbage
Majority of Americans not being listened to. Pushing their soulless trash onto everyone. It has almost come to ripping the TV off the wall. It's hard to find anything that has any true value on tv or at the movies.
There are some faith based movies still being made thank goodness


 You don't have to rip the TV off the wall. There's still Andy Griffith, Twilight Zone, etc. Plus lots of older programs are on youtube. There's also a website called Uncle Earl's Classic TV Channel.

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Registered: ‎10-19-2012
Major Shopper if I put it any other way other than "dating" there would be asterisks in place. 😎
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Registered: ‎03-03-2011

@lgfan wrote:
The "shocking twist" of MILF Manor is that the women will be dating each other's sons. Talk about a trashy idea.

And next show will be older men and the "shocking twist" will be dating each other's daughters.

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Posts: 1,393
Registered: ‎03-28-2010
I would love to watch all those channels all the time.
Wouldn't it be great to also have the same commercials aired between shows that are vintage/retro?
Today's commercials are WORSE than the 30-1hr shows aired today
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Registered: ‎05-15-2016

Next will be DILFS dating their daughter's friends. This channel has been circling the drain forever. Gross