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Summer Under the Stars focusing on one actor/actress per day during the month.  I always look forward to this.  I had suggested to TCM that they focus on one director for a day, e.g., Hitchcock, Curtiz, Wyler but I don't think they took my idea!




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@kaydee50 - thanks for the alert.  Will have to check every day to see which actor is featured.

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Thanks for heads up.

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I would really enjoy seeing them group films by directors too, @kaydee50-- good idea!

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Every once in awhile they do a theme day or afternoon by director and they are always enjoyable and enlightening.  I would love by director in chronological order.  Perhaps some days by writer in chronological order too. 

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I have been watching a lot of the movies in July 50 movies for 50 states. Tomorrow night is Seven Brides For Seven Brothers at 8:00 which I have never seen.