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Registered: ‎03-15-2010

I have to keep this short. Friday's show was pretty good. Of the 2 detours I think feeding each other the noodles would have been easier unless you have spent some time on ice/hockey skates. The couple that came in 1st was the same ones that were 1st on Wed. The 1st 2 couples were blind date couples. Libby and CJ were last and eliminated. Next week they head to Thailand.

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Registered: ‎08-04-2013
I have been skiing for 60 years but if I had to do that ice skating challenge I'd still be sitting there. I cannot even stand up on skates ! I really like the first couple (the lawyers). Wouldn't it be nice if a romance did develop ! I am still not feeling the Dr/Nurse......but, I love the show !
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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

I like the casting twist this year. They'd gotten into too much of a rut with casting and this shakes things up nicely. The Olympic team really had an edge on the ice skating/chair challenge. He's a bobsledder and she's a speed skater. That gave them a huge edge. I think the Dr. is way over the nurse, but I find her funny. She's a bit of a goof while he's super serious and watching them try to co-exist over the race will be pretty entertaining.

Fly!!! Eagles!!! Fly!!!
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Posts: 1,469
Registered: ‎03-22-2010

I like the cast so far.... I enjoy the way the blind daters are trying so hard. I think the nurse/dr combo is a bit of a reach.... they don't fit, to me..... I wonder who he would fit with? I loved the noodle one.... but felt sorry for the one who didn't like those noodles.... trying to eat something that doesn't taste good to you is hard .... I wish them all luck.

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Posts: 12,110
Registered: ‎03-12-2010

So far so good. I too am enjoying the twist. The only thing I don't like are the selfies and the videos.