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Susan Selpt Here on TCM 12/16/17

[ Edited ]

Tonight at 11:00 pm CST on TCM.  ****** Powell and Debbie Reynolds.  Today in that movie, Powell would be a pedophile and sexual harassment would be in order on both parts.  LOL   Cat Wink

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Re: Susan Selpt Here on TCM 12/16/17

🙀I don't know if I should watch it or not! Not sure if I've seen it or not. All I know is The Sound of Music is on tomorrow night.🎶

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Re: Susan Selpt Here on TCM 12/16/17

I saw a preview of the movie, checked the plot summary online, and said, “Eewww.” It is definitely close to the line, if not over it. Pedophilia is definitely an issue here. Today I watched the beginning of “Goldfinger,”  one of my favorite Bond movies. I hadn’t seen it for awhile so I forgot one of the earliest scenes. Bond is with a pretty girl (of course). His American counterpart comes over to talk business, so Bond tells the girl to scoot. As she leaves, Bond gives her a big slap on the derrière. I was a bit stunned, as much by the gesture as for the notion that years ago it seemed acceptable.

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Re: Susan Selpt Here on TCM 12/16/17

@Vivian  @OKPrincess     I was joking.  But in the movie Debbie  is 17 and turned 18 and I think Powell was 40 or somewhere around there.  Back then a lot of women got married at 18.  The movie is funny.  Times change in how we view things.  Just like all these women coming forward about sexual harrassment.  Years ago, it would have been ignored but the time is right now and women should not fear for their jobs because their boss is inappropriate.  

kindness is strength
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Re: Susan Selpt Here on TCM 12/16/17

@Katcat1 wrote:

Tonight at 11:00 pm CST on TCM.  ****** Powell and Debbie Reynolds.  Today in that movie, Powell would be a pedophile and sexual harassment would be in order on both parts.  LOL   Cat Wink

You are so right.  That story line could never be used today.  It was a very different time back then, not so much in what actually went on in life but how how it was presented.


Anyway, that movie always brings back a sweet memory for me, because my father took me to see it (leaving my mom home with my toddler brother, I guess).  I remember how we had some moments before we went into theater, and we were looking at the signs outside, advertising the movie.  My father was telling me who Debbie Reynolds was, that she was engaged to Eddie Fisher.  I knew Eddie Fisher well because we had his records and I loved the song "Oh My Papa".


I think I was around 6 or 7 maybe, but that memory is so clear in my mind.


My dad and I often went to the movies together, all the way through my adulthood.