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Re: Survivor is back tonight!

I didn't watch any of this season, I can't believe it's not over yet!

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Re: Survivor is back tonight!

I gotta admit--I laughed at the eviction last night.  They got way too cocky-so byyeeeee.  Team Carolyn and Carson FTW!!!!

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Re: Survivor is back tonight!

Glad Danny is gone - I really didn't like him.  Carolyn has grown on me, and she is actually a pretty smart cookie.  Yam Yam did great in the immunity challenge last night, but he too, is over confident.  Next week should be interesting.

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Re: Survivor is back tonight!

I was beyond pleased to see the last of Danny. Jamie is the other one I find obnoxious. 

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Re: Survivor is back tonight!

Caroline has been my favorite from the beginning.


She's a bright woman in many ways.  Knows human behavior better than most. Cat Very Happy

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Re: Survivor is back tonight!

@kindred cats , probably because she is an addiction counselor.  I'm sure she had to take a lot of psychology classes.


I was thrilled with last night's vote.   I hope they vote Lauren out next.


Next week is the finale--3 hours of Survivor!

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Re: Survivor is back tonight!

@DrKelli I'm surprised there is nothing recent here re Survivor.  I enjoyed the ending but not the 3 hour length.  And where is Garden Man?"??? Hope all is well with him.

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Re: Survivor is back tonight!

I've been wondering why no one has been posting too.

The winner would not have been my choice, but this season was more enjoyable then those that preceding it.

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Re: Survivor is back tonight!

I thought it was a better season than the last few as well.  There seemed to be an underlying comradere as opposed to the usual deceitful conniving to win.  It was almost like everyone was civil all the time and genuinely ok with each other winning.


I would have rather seen Carolyn win, but Yam Yam did make a good case for his gameplay.



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Re: Survivor is back tonight!

Can someone please tell me what Yam Yam did to deserve to win?