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Re: Sunday 8/27/2017 Big Brother 19 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

@Tukey I agree with you (about Matt and the cereal).  Who in the name of Heaven can eat that much cereal in one day?  He'll be dead if he ever develops a allergy to wheat and doesn't realize it until after he's eat 8 or 10 bowls of the stuff (in a day).


I wonder if he eats that much at home normally?

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Re: Sunday 8/27/2017 Big Brother 19 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

I have a question.  So I watch BB late at night and (although I DVR it) I often just delete it because it's so boring.  Here's my question:


Last night I didn't see much of Kevin at all.  Normally he's been in the middle of the group holding everyone's attention and telling 'his' stories.  I only watched for a short time but I didn't see Kevin anywhere.  My question is "Is Kevin taking himself out of the group and going off on his own"?  It seems like most of the time the people who sense they're short timers as far as being eliminated go off and be alone.....has there been open animosity toward him where he's sensing it'll soon be his time to go?  If not, where was he?

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Re: Sunday 8/27/2017 Big Brother 19 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

@gardenman wrote:

If Raven were to win HOH and target Paul by putting up Paul and Josh, she might have the votes to boot Paul. She'd need Kevin, Christmas and Jason, but that could be doable. It would be entertaining anyway.

If Raven were to do that she just may go from the bottom of the popularity poll to the top! 

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Re: Sunday 8/27/2017 Big Brother 19 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

Annabelle, they are ignoring him because they are fed up with his stories, he won $25,000 didn't tell them, xmas isn't cooking his food & Jason told Kevin that they wanted to backdoor him but Jason thought it was a plan just so Matt didn't know he was going this week well hgs are hounding Jason to put Kevin up. Kevin knows the house has changed (no one talks game to Kev either) so guess Kevin is fed up with them too


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Re: Sunday 8/27/2017 Big Brother 19 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

@Wsmom wrote:

@gardenman wrote:

If Raven were to win HOH and target Paul by putting up Paul and Josh, she might have the votes to boot Paul. She'd need Kevin, Christmas and Jason, but that could be doable. It would be entertaining anyway.

If Raven were to do that she just may go from the bottom of the popularity poll to the top! 

If Raven were to win HoH (my keyboard giggled as I typed that), but if she were to win she wouldn't be targeting Paul and it's very unlikely would she target Josh. Her sights would be set on Jason, Alex, and Kevin.

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Re: Sunday 8/27/2017 Big Brother 19 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

does Kevin have a bad tooth?   On cbs chats someone asked if they were able to get a dentist to come to Kevins room to pull his tooth?   But I haven't watched very much today.

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Re: Sunday 8/27/2017 Big Brother 19 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

@lovescats wrote:

does Kevin have a bad tooth?   On cbs chats someone asked if they were able to get a dentist to come to Kevins room to pull his tooth?   But I haven't watched very much today.

Kevin's had a bad tooth forever. He was supposed to be getting it pulled when Christmas had her foot surgery, but never did. I think it's getting worse now. There's talk that he leaves tomorrow to get it pulled.

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Re: Sunday 8/27/2017 Big Brother 19 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

@gardenman wrote:

@lovescats wrote:

does Kevin have a bad tooth?   On cbs chats someone asked if they were able to get a dentist to come to Kevins room to pull his tooth?   But I haven't watched very much today.

Kevin's had a bad tooth forever. He was supposed to be getting it pulled when Christmas had her foot surgery, but never did. I think it's getting worse now. There's talk that he leaves tomorrow to get it pulled.

Maybe they could get johnny mac rockstar dentist to do something for him.

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Re: Sunday 8/27/2017 Big Brother 19 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

@lovescats wrote:

@gardenman wrote:

@lovescats wrote:

does Kevin have a bad tooth?   On cbs chats someone asked if they were able to get a dentist to come to Kevins room to pull his tooth?   But I haven't watched very much today.

Kevin's had a bad tooth forever. He was supposed to be getting it pulled when Christmas had her foot surgery, but never did. I think it's getting worse now. There's talk that he leaves tomorrow to get it pulled.

Maybe they could get johnny mac rockstar dentist to do something for him.

@lovescats----you are funny...I forgot all about him. Kind of a weirdo. I wouldn't want him for my dentist......Hope you had a great weekend.

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Re: Sunday 8/27/2017 Big Brother 19 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

Raven certainly got the edit she deserved tonight.  If they listed all the lies she's told it would have taken up the whole hour.