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Sunday 7/23/2019 Big Brother 19 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

And a new day dawns in the old BB 19 house with the house still divided. Yesterday saw the picking of the POV players and joining Jessica, Ramses and Josh were Cody, Christmas and Jason. The POV comp was the exploding goo one where they would be asked a question and have to add ingredients correctly to avoid their mixture exploding on them. The houseguest at the end who survived would win the POV. Jessica won the POV. Everyone else ended up covered in goo and glitter.


At this moment it looks like Jessica will keep the nominees the same and expects Josh to go home. Paul however has other plans and has rallied the house to vote out Ramses instead. Paul and his allies had best keep this a secret however or they could find a more valuable pawn placed opposite Josh to ensure Josh goes home. Paul himself could be put up opposite Josh and then Paul would decide they could do without Josh just fine.


Jessica and Cody have largely isolated themselves from the main group once more and may not be picking up on the clues that Ramses is going home if the noms stay the same. It's possible that Matt, or Jason will tell them that's the plan as neither seems solidly on board with voting out Ramses. If Jessica really wants Josh out this week, then putting someone more valuable up against him is the answer to getting him out. Jason has considered flipping sides to join Cody and Jessica, but Alex is dead set against it. Matt thinks voting out Ramses this week is the wrong move also. One of those two could spill the beans to Jessica or Cody and get Jessica to use the POV.


As a general rule in BB, never put up a pawn. You should always have a mental checklist of at least four people you're willing to see go and put up the first two on that mental checklist when you win HOH. If one of them wins POV, or the third person on your list wins POV and uses it on one of the first two, then you have the fourth guy/gal on the list queued up and ready to go. If you put up a pawn, you're trusting that the house views everyone the same way you do and you're apt to be wrong and lose your pawn. Numbers matter in BB and keeping your numbers means not sacrificing a pawn.


The house got alcohol last night for a rare change, and Christmas got herself in trouble for taking a sip while on her pain meds. She got called to the DR and lectured about that. 


Today and tonight will largely determine if the POV is used. Jessica assumes Ramses is safe and Josh is going home. Josh is playing the role of Audrey and sulking and moping with his head covered as if he knows he's doomed. (He knows he's safe however.) Ramses thinks he's safe and doesn't know he's the target for Paul's side of the house. Jessica needs to learn today that there's a plan in place that's contrary to what she expects and then needs to make a move to force the house to vote her way. Ramses, Jessica and Cody need to circulate among the house and feel things out.before the POV ceremony tomorrow. Matt and Jason are both iffy on following Paul's lead in this vote and their uncertainty could lead to the plan being exposed if Jessica, Ramses or Cody feel them out.


It's not a bad move on anyone's part to let it slip to Jessica/Cody that Paul wants Ramses gone over Josh and that Paul has the votes to evict Ramses. It would lower your value as a target to Cody and Jessica while ensuring a bigger gun gets put up and Ramses stays. Matt could be the guy who lets the news out to Cody since they were originally allied. With two clear sides to the house, being good on both sides will keep you in the game longer. Kevin is also a possiblity as the rat as he's been playing every side in the house since day one and doing it pretty well.


Sundays are typically a relax in the back yard kind of day for the houseguests. Cody and Jessica need to be doing more than relaxing today however. They need to have their eyes and ears tuned in to see what's playing out under the surface. Kevin, Matt, or Jason could help their position in the game by letting slip that Ramses is Paul's target this week and not Josh, assuming they trust Cody and Jessica enough not to let slip that they told them that information.


The POV ceremony takes place fairly early on Mondays, so today's the time for information gathering and a final decision to be made on what to do. As of this moment it looks like the noms will stay the same and Ramses wil be evicted on Thursday, but things could change over the next twenty-four hours. Cody and Jessica really need to do some probing and intelligence gathering today and not just assume the house will vote their way. I suspect they won't do so however. They're too tied up with each other and not as focused on the game.

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Re: Sunday 7/23/2019 Big Brother 19 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

I watched BB late last night until 3:00AM EST and those who commented about Elena  constantly touching Paul were definitely right!


She was unbelievable last night.  She was rubbing his legs, his stomach, every part of his body (except one) and I think that would have happened except I don't think Paul wants any part of that with her.  She acts that way in front of the guys who's supposed to be her mate here in the house.  She really has the hots for Paul.


Jessica and Cody are attached, I'm convinced.  They totally separate themselves from the others.  When everyone is in a room talking and laughing it's obvious Jessica and Cody are off together somewhere.  The only time I saw them join in was when Cody was playing a short game of pool and then she was sitting next to the pool table.


Kevin (being as loud and outspoken as usual) was telling the cameras and whomever wanted to listen how uncomfortable it was when he was sleeping in the same room as Jessica and Cody.  He went into repeats of how the fingers were busy (not his words) but much worse.  Good grief!  Sometimes I have to change the channel it just gets too crude.

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Re: Sunday 7/23/2019 Big Brother 19 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

Yes, you are right about Jess/Cody. Jess knows how the hgs are playing but they are too wrapped up in eachother to find out how the house feels. Most hgs don't like them. I wonder if someone tells them the plan is to save Josh. Elena was something last night, she is all over Paul and Mark is just watching. Paul is trying so hard to avoid her flirty moves. Kevin gave Jason so much air time last night asking Jason what's the name of rodeo, who is this person etc...Jason probably had no idea that he was plugging his career. 

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Re: Sunday 7/23/2019 Big Brother 19 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

Jess is so selfish, she wears the HOH key around her neck along with the POV necklace so no one can get in the room & the POV so everyone knows she has the power this week. Most POV winners just put it on a hook. Also she got beer for her HOH and she never shared with other hgs. Alex shared her wine when she was HOH. I could never drink in front of them without offering them a beer. Very selfish person. 

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Re: Sunday 7/23/2019 Big Brother 19 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

@sissel Did you see Ramses (while talking and laughing) sitting on the bed....I think his name is Matt was laying down and Ramses was rubbing way up on the thigh of Matt.  It was really funny and I wondered when he'd realize where Ramses' hand was.


Suddenly Matt jumped up and left the room and some of them were laughing.  I don't know if he realized where his hand was but it sure seemed like he realized it.  

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Re: Sunday 7/23/2019 Big Brother 19 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

Mark, Kevin and Paul are the three houseguests joining Josh in the Have Not room. They were the first three to drop in the HOH comp. Just a reminder, we'll see that HOH comp on tonight's show.

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Re: Sunday 7/23/2019 Big Brother 19 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

@sissel wrote:

Jess is so selfish, she wears the HOH key around her neck along with the POV necklace so no one can get in the room & the POV so everyone knows she has the power this week. Most POV winners just put it on a hook. Also she got beer for her HOH and she never shared with other hgs. Alex shared her wine when she was HOH. I could never drink in front of them without offering them a beer. Very selfish person. 


I don't think locking the HOH room is selfish. I hate it when the non HOH houseguests take over the room as if it's a community space. It's the HOH's perk. Lots of HOHs in the past have locked the door. I would, too. She gives them the key if they want to use the bathroom.

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Re: Sunday 7/23/2019 Big Brother 19 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

Now I know what it's like to be someone who only watches the show, not the feeds, and it's an interesting change. I would have thought that Jason, Ramses, and Alex would have immediately run to the Cody/Jess side of things...well, maybe not so much Alex (that woman confuses me!) but definitely Jason and Ramses.


I just haven't been able to abide the feeds with Jess/Cody, but I'm going to take the advice I've seen in other forums--if you don't like what you're watching then Change the Channel!! Sound familiar? lol


The thing is that when watching on TV, with Roku, changing the channels is much more of a pain than on the computer where it's just a click of the mouse. 


I have a new empathy for people who dislike other players like Paul for example. When you really don't like someone, it's not fun to listen to them at all!


I plan on going back to watching the feeds a bit although today may be a sloooow day in the house. Anyway, I appreciate the update and especially liked the part about not sacrificing a pawn and having four players already on deck (so to speak) as nominee possibilities. Great advice...too bad the players can't read the update, but since it's Jess, I'm happy she can't.  Smiley Tongue

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Re: Sunday 7/23/2019 Big Brother 19 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

As a rule the pawn game is a bad idea. Never put up anyone you don't want evicted.


Changing feeds on the Fire TV/Stick is pretty easy. You just hit the back/previous arrow, select the new feed and hit enter. I just timed it and it takes ten seconds to switch feeds.  That's not bad.


I think Jason wanted to go with Cody and Jessica, but Alex said no. Jason is largely following Alex's lead in the game, for better or worse.

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Re: Sunday 7/23/2019 Big Brother 19 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

[ Edited ]

That's 10 seconds on TV as compared to 1 second on computer. Yikes...I think that's a big insight as to how impatient I am! I think the Firestick might have an edge over the Roku in changing cameras though.


Let's see...I have to hit the back button, choose the feed I want to change to and..oh yeah, I do sound like a lazy bum now. Smiley Embarassed


You know what I really hate though? It's that bright pink screen that comes up and tells us that the hgs are nuts so CBS may not share their opinions (or whatever it is it says). At least pink is my favorite color.