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Re: Steve Burton and wife split

Yes, I saw that about a week ago.  So sad for the family.


I am a regular watcher of GH.  But I have not been to the GH thread in awhile, because I am about 2 weeks behind in my viewing, and I did not want to spoil any story lines for myself.


I suspect they talked about this situation on that thread as well.


Steve seems like a great guy, but you never know what goes on behind closed doors.  Maybe she thought she was too old to get pregnant.  But she should have taken precautions.  They are still married and this does not set a very good example for her children.

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Re: Steve Burton and wife split

If I am not mistaken, I thought I read/heard years ago that she complained that she didn't like Steve having love scenes & making out with costars on the screen.  That they were really religious, etc.  And yet, now we read this about ironic.



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Re: Steve Burton and wife split

[ Edited ]

@SloopJohnB Yes, this is what I remember too, except it was Steve that didn't want to do love scenes out of respect for his wife. 

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Re: Steve Burton and wife split

@nanapat It's old news! There was a thread about this last week.

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Re: Steve Burton and wife split

@shoechic wrote:

@SloopJohnB Yes, this is what I remember too, except it was Steve that didn't want to do love seens out of respect for his wife. 

@shoechic Too bad that respect didn't run both ways, right?  :-(   

I would give everything I own just to have you back again.......David Gates of Bread
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Re: Steve Burton and wife split

I did see that.   Wacky, tacky Hollywood folks.

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Re: Steve Burton and wife split

@shoechic wrote:

@SloopJohnB Yes, this is what I remember too, except it was Steve that didn't want to do love scenes out of respect for his wife. 

@shoechic @SloopJohnB I am sure that it is not easy being the wife of a hot soap opera star.  But frankly, he did NOT have that many love scenes.  And if your marriage is strong and you have no reason to suspect any hanky panky, then get over it already.  It is steady work and they make good money.  Maybe she could not stand having women "clamouring" over him, and wanted someone all to herself.  Who knows.  So sad that their family unit will never be the same.

Always remember that you are absolutely unique. Just like everyone else. Margaret Mead
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Re: Steve Burton and wife split

At least his love scenes were pretend. 

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Re: Steve Burton and wife split

@chrystaltree wrote:

I did see that.   Wacky, tacky Hollywood folks.




"Hollywood" hasn't cornered the market on cheating.  People in EVERY walk of life cheat on their spouses.  All the time.