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On 10/11/2014 JESSA said:

I like it too graceanndmercy. I have to say if I lived alone I don't know if I could watch it . I agree it is scary.

I basically live alone, my son works late hours at night..I have my protective min pin, lol!

Don't cry for a man who's left you--the next one may fall for your smile.
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I DVR it on Wednesday night and then watch it Thursday morning. It doesn't seem as scary in the light of day. I usually do not like scary shows like that but for some reason I do like Stalker.

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They aren't very boo! scary. More like creepy scary. Like someone watching you. That kind of scary.

I like this show a lot. That guy who is following Maggie Q reminds me of chewing gum.

You know how you step in some chewing gum and scrape it off on the grass or sidewalk and someone else steps in it and so on? That's what that idiot reminds me of! Ugh!

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On 10/15/2014 annabellethecat said:

They aren't very boo! scary. More like creepy scary. Like someone watching you. That kind of scary.

I like this show a lot. That guy who is following Maggie Q reminds me of chewing gum.

You know how you step in some chewing gum and scrape it off on the grass or sidewalk and someone else steps in it and so on? That's what that idiot reminds me of! Ugh!

I did not like the pilot at all but the second show was good.

I think what his wife has plan is going to back fire the team will stick up for him because he is trying to stay in touch with his child, and making an effort to live a better life.

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They make him out to be a dark character. I'm watching it now and they make him a little 'weird'.

He's plays weird well. He's just a little bit 'off'. I like his character. He's not cookie cutter like most characters on these shows.

Just enough weird to make him interesting. Not so much weird that you dislike him or want to turn it off or look away.

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Since he's found out his wife is involved with her co-worker it will turn into a Mexican Standoff. If she exposes him, he can expose her.

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I already DVR Nashville and Chicago PD on Wednesday night so I have to watch this On Demand when I can.

I really enjoy this show.