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I've seen the same show twice, really like it! Love MaggieQ, she used to be Nikita..anyone else watch??? I have to warn you, its scary!!

Don't cry for a man who's left you--the next one may fall for your smile.
-- Mae West
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I like it too graceanndmercy. I have to say if I lived alone I don't know if I could watch it . I agree it is scary.

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I do live alone in a big house 3,000 squ feet with wall to ceiling windows and lots of doors. I also have ADT Security on everything, several guns and my favorite......a shot gun.

I back up to woods. I have never been afraid of anything except spiders and made friends with them. I've been awakened in the middle of the night by loud false alarms, etc.

I got used to being alone when newly married (he worked 3 jobs). Then he traveled a lot. Then he spent 2 to 3 days away while working on our properties.

We all need to get used to being alone because eventually there's a good chance we all will be alone. It never bothered me.

There are a lot of widows like me in the world today. Like I said, we get used to being alone.

Actually, I do have my cats Billy and Katie but Katie is afraid of everything. Billy never leaves my side.

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FYI - There's already thread on this topic, labeled STALKER - "Pilot" (S1/Ep01) - 10.01.2014 initiated on October 1st, containing 25 replies.

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I enjoy this show also. The second episode scared me when that dark figure was in the house and they were trying to get out.

Reminded me of the movie when a Stranger Calls.

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Too scary for me and I always feel these type of shows give crazy people ideas. I cannot watch it.

Posts: 68
Registered: ‎10-08-2014

I have been watching it and it does creep me out and I wondered if I would stick with it--if it gets over the top for me, I will pull the plug, but so far, so good. Well done.


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What night is it on please? This sounds like my kind of show!

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Wednesday night, 10:00 EST on CBS.

Formerly lainey since Shop Talk days. Had to change nickname due to new Forum
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Registered: ‎06-22-2010
On 10/15/2014 lainey said:

Wednesday night, 10:00 EST on CBS.

Thanks for the reminder lainey, I will be watching!

Don't cry for a man who's left you--the next one may fall for your smile.
-- Mae West