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So I'm sitting here watching Stalker and they show these people doing ignorant things. If someone was about to kill you and another person interceeded (on your behalf) fighting with the killer, would you just sit on the ground and not try to get away?

Well, that's what happened here. This entire show has been unbelievable! It reminds me of the books I used to read my daughters, "Meet the Stupids" and "The Stupids Step Out".

Every possible stupid move has been done on this show! He's after Beth so "She's home. She's safe". That's what the detectives tell the girl when she warns him.

I won't go on. It's just too stupid. I listen to Entertainment Weekly XM Radio. Every Thursday the commentator tells (with tongue in cheek) all about the previous episode.

They do that beause this show is soooo "what NOT to do".

My late husband would get so upset over some of these dumb shows he'd walk out of the TV room in frustration (while it's on), then slowly come back in (curosity). Then he'd say, "He (or she) deserves to get shot. Anybody that #@$% dumb should get shot".

I'd say, "Oh! For goodness sakes, it's a TV show."

Now I know how he feels. I don't know if this is the last show or not. It just ended. I'm sooo frustrated.

Anyone else see this train wreck?

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This show is too creepy for me. It gives crazy people more ideas.

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I personally LOVED last night's show and thought it was well done. I do not dissect a story like you do so maybe I would feel the same way....I just watch for entertainment purposes and enjoy the actors in this series. Everyone has different opinions for sure.

"You never know when the last time is the
last time."
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If it bothers you so much, why do you watch? I have never understood the mentality of people who seem to watch certain television shows just to complain about them.

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I don't always complain about shows. That's part of what's nice about this forum. Do you LOVE every show you watch?

Coming on here I feel like I'm free to be able to post how I feel about a show. There are things I like and those I don't.

I have not seen any show where someone loves everything about a show. What's wrong with posting a true and honest reaction to an episode or show?

The last time I checked it was OK to do that.

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I don't watch Stalker. It's too creepy for me. But I complain about shows all the time, especially if I normally like them. I certainly agree about all the plot contrivances. They seem to be getting worse on every show. Plot holes so big you could drive a truck through them. We still watch them, though!

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I was going to ask if this was the season finale (possibly series finale). It certainly ended on a cliffhanger but I didn't see a promo stating it was a season finale. I think Cyber CSI is taking it's place. If this is cancelled without any resolve this will be one more show I wasted my time watching!
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I wondered the same thing too jordan. I usually DVR these shows and end up watching them too. When I DVR the show and the show ends I don't see the last 1 or 2 minutes. So, I often have to go to the DVR show and FF over the entire show to see the last few minutes. In this case it ended abruptly (I felt). I didn't see any coming attractions for next week. I thought maybe because my local channel 9 WTOP news was so crazy about the weather I thought they'd cut it off too quickly. But I guess not. I even DVR the show after the one I want to watch so I am sure I don't miss the last few minutes of a show.

I don't know if anyone else has this problem but it drives me crazy!.

Was this the last one until next season? Are we going to have to wait until next season to see this guy get what's coming to him?

I just checked and on Jan 12 CBS announced Stalker was not renewed, but it wasn't officially cancelled either.

This is so frustrating. They leave the fans hanging on some of these shows. They don't definitely say CANCELLED but everything infers that it has been.

I think they want to see how many people respond to it. According to US Magazine the two stars are engaged. They haven't 'officially' confirmed it.

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I thought that maybe when Ray pulled Tracy out from the car she was hiding under that maybe he hurt her or did something to her so she couldn't get up. I agree, she should have tried to help Perry with Ray but maybe she couldn't.

I read that last night's episode was the "winter finale". CBS still hasn’t set a date for the final three episodes of the season and it’s unclear whether they will ever air. I hope it gets renewed - I really like it.

Formerly lainey since Shop Talk days. Had to change nickname due to new Forum
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I happen to enjoy Stalker. I do not sit and analyze the show, I enjoy them for what they are. If I do not like a show, I do no watch it. It is a waste of my time. I do hope they renew this show. How can you leave the show where it left off and not come back!!!!