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Re: Spoiler Alert Jeopardy

[ Edited ]

I wonder how many weeks Rhone Talsma will last.


In an article last week, a former champion (I forgot his name) said that a defending champion has a built-in advantage after a few appearances because he/she is more skilled than newcomers at using the buzzer.  This was basically his argument (or one of his arguments) in favor of reverting to a limit on the number of appearances. 

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@luvzchiz   I watched the entire show.   She was never upset.  She lost in the final round because she didn't know the answer and he did.  I am sure she was disappointed but she never showed any Outward disappointment

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@Tribesters   you cannot be serious????

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@VanSleepy   why were you rooting for her to loose?

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@layla2450   why is that?  

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Although I quit watching several weeks ago due to boredom, I sometimes turn on Jeopardy to see if she is still the winner.  So I then go back to watching one of the "entertainment" news type programs. 


My friend who lives in a different region of the country (NE) sent me a text stating she can't believe she lost, so where I live the show was still on, I tuned in to see the final question and I absolutely cannot believe she did not know that.  All of us of a certain age are familiar with Bangladesh - thanks George Harrison - and I know she's not as old as some of us, but how could she NOT know that? 


It always baffles me that these whiz kid winners know the most obscure things, yet some simple things they don't.  Oh well. 



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I might be one of the few who like to see different contestants win each week or so, instead of one champion who stays 5, 6, 7 weeks!  I like to see the winning money spread out to a lot instead of a few.  

But in saying that, the ones who are smart enough to last so long also have my admiration!  


I tend to get bored seeing the same champ keep winning, and I end up not watching the show after a few weeks.

I will also say that even though I admire Matt Amodio's winning streak, I didn't like how he used "what" instead of "who" in answers about a person!!    "What is Faulkner?"   "What is Smith"   "what is Jones?"    Just my own little annoyance, so overlook me!!  LOL

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Re: Spoiler Alert Jeopardy

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As several have already mentioned, I think Amy was ready to get off the show and go home to her/his girlfriend and cat.  I betcha she knew that answer!  She bent down immediately and started writing the second the answer was shown.  She might have just been trying to fake off the guy (Rhone?) by doing that.

But those who like Amy will see her again in the Tournament of Champions! 

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We talked about this loss last night. Amy broke all the records, she's made her own history in time spent and dollars won.We're feeling pretty sure she was egged on to bow out gracefully to winkwink lose the game and "allow" someone else to be the big cheese. She's breaking the jeopardy bank, it's time Amy. So she knew the final answer, bet enough $$$$$$$$$$$$$ but chose to not answer the question.


Oh Amy will be back vs Mr Rodeo and a few other huge winners to vie for top spot down the road on the championship 2-week round. That'll be way fun to pit against Matt Amodio's brain power. Can't wait for this!

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Yep- I'm serious. The first 5 minutes I told DH she's not even trying. I imagine after taping 40 shows you have to get back to your life. She probably exceeded her winnings goal & wanted to get back to normal life. Plus she was robbed & that was very traumatizing for her. I think she just needed a break. She'll be back for the tournaments.