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Sometimes a bad movie is just the thing.

Last night I watched Assassination, 1987 Charles Bronson and his wife, Jill Ireland.


She was the First Lady and Bronson was part of her Secret Service detail.  Someone was trying to do her in and they went "on the run" to save her.


It was not a good movie but for some reason I don't fathom, I enjoyed watching it.


I like Charles Bronson, always have.  The movie was made a few years after Ireland had breast cancer.


I had forgotten she was married to David McCollum for 10 yrs. 


Some days you just need a dumb movie to make you chuckle.

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Re: Sometimes a bad movie is just the thing.

LOL. That is so true! I have thoroughly enjoyed movies with poor plots, terrible acting and awful set designs. Sometimes, we just need a good laugh, even if it is at the expense of a bad movie.



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Re: Sometimes a bad movie is just the thing.

@SandySparkles  Years ago when DH was still working he did 12 hr. swing shifts. He worked 2 weekends a month, 1 day shift one night shift.


When he worked 12 nights he left at 6:00 at night and got home about 7:45 the next morning.


On Saturday nights he worked DD and would watch the SYFY channel.  It used to be good back then. A lot of what we called "real barn burners."


We did cleaning Sat. nights while we watched stupid movies. Pizza, stupid creature flicks, and cleaning. What more could a girl want on a Sat. night?




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Re: Sometimes a bad movie is just the thing.

@ Retired Legal Secretary I couldn't agree more!

A good movie is great, but there's always a place lol for that dumb movie with a preposterous plot, which doesn't require any thinking. For example, I've been known to watch "Miss Congeniality" just to enjoy the hilarious Candice Bergen. Just yesterday, I was channel surfing, and stopped on an old movie, "The Incredible Two-Headed Transplant," wondering if that really WAS great actor, Bruce Dern, appearing in such nonsense (it was lol). "Holiday in Handcuffs" is another one. Seriously lol? But that Christmas dinner scene is a hoot!

Yes, it's true. Sometimes not having to think is just what I need. And even if I can hardly take the absurd themes, there can be one or two redeeming scenes, or those which make me laugh.👍

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Re: Sometimes a bad movie is just the thing.

I had a Saturday afternoon a few weeks back with nothing to do and absolutely nothing to watch on TV (or so I thought).  There was a movie listed on FX called 'Why Him?'.  It starred James Franco and Bryan Cranston and Megan Mulalley(sp?).  I figured I'd give it a shot, I was that desperate.


I swear it was the funniest movie I've seen in ages.  Bryan Cranston's performance - the facial xpressions alone - are absolutely hysterical.  It told the story of Bryan Cranston and Megan Mulalley's daughter who fell in love w/James Franco who just happened to hit it big and become filthy rich w/a video game empire he came up with.  James Franco and Megan Mulalley were also excellent in their roles in this movie.


Yes, sometimes a bad movie is just the right thing!! 

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Re: Sometimes a bad movie is just the thing.

@jellyBEAN wrote:

I had a Saturday afternoon a few weeks back with nothing to do and absolutely nothing to watch on TV (or so I thought).  There was a movie listed on FX called 'Why Him?'.  It starred James Franco and Bryan Cranston and Megan Mulalley(sp?).  I figured I'd give it a shot, I was that desperate.


I swear it was the funniest movie I've seen in ages.  Bryan Cranston's performance - the facial xpressions alone - are absolutely hysterical.  It told the story of Bryan Cranston and Megan Mulalley's daughter who fell in love w/James Franco who just happened to hit it big and become filthy rich w/a video game empire he came up with.  James Franco and Megan Mulalley were also excellent in their roles in this movie.


Yes, sometimes a bad movie is just the right thing!! 

I was looking for something to watch on Sat.  I turned to Fx and there was a movie called "Hangover St"  I thought it would be about people drinking with hangover lol.  It was actually about a man who had blackouts and killed a couple people.  I didn't see it from the beginning but it really kept my attention.  Turned out to be pretty good.  Not sure If the beginning explained his blackouts.

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Re: Sometimes a bad movie is just the thing.

Love me some bad movies!


Not totally bad, but watched "The Unsinkable Molly Brown" the other night on TCM for the umpteenth time.


Even though it's not factual, love the music, Debbie Reynold's exuberance and how dreamy Harve Presnell was back then (sigh, he was just born 20 yrs. too late for MGM musicals).





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Re: Sometimes a bad movie is just the thing.

Sometimes an awful movie with bad acting is just what the doctor ordered.  If nothing else, it will give you a giggle.

~ When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn't become a king. The palace turns into a circus. - Turkish Proverb
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Re: Sometimes a bad movie is just the thing.

@faeriemoon wrote:

Sometimes an awful movie with bad acting is just what the doctor ordered.  If nothing else, it will give you a giggle.

Right?  Look at how the original "Little Shop of Horrors" became a camp classic, later turned into a successful Broadway musical and film. 


Never would have guessed it watching/laughing at it on late night movies in the late 60's

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Re: Sometimes a bad movie is just the thing.

I happened to catch "Death Wish" recently.

What a bad movie, bad acting, awful background music.

I adored Bronson & Ireland back in the day but watching the movie again made me shake my head!