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Re: Singer/Actor/Dancer Chris Brown accused of rape

@moonandthestars wrote:

@gertrudecloset I do agree that if true, the first meeting should have been reported - those are serious allegations!. No does mean No - absolutely.  However what is questionable to me is that she voluntarily chose, over time, to have more meetings with him after that first encounter.  So, I reserve judgement keeping in mind that sadly allegations made are not always truthful.  

I said the same thing about the 30 year old accusations made against Chris Noth.  After all these years.  We want to believe women, but sometimes it looks kinda, bad in many instances @moonandthestars .

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Re: Singer/Actor/Dancer Chris Brown accused of rape

The best thing Rhiana ever did for herself was stay away from him.  

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Re: Singer/Actor/Dancer Chris Brown accused of rape

[ Edited ]

@gertrudecloset @In this particular story, I can't really tell if there was a "No," or even if anything happened at all. If the lady saved the text from the first encounter, then she has important credibility. If she met up with him, a man she was under no other obligation to, and she met with this man three times, I'm wanting to know more. The way this story differs from the Weinstein cases is that Weinstein held so much power over many of these women in the industry. In Brown's story, there would be much less chance that he had anything over this woman that would keep her needing to return two more times, only to endure more abuse. We will have to wait and see whether law enforcement becomes involved in an investigation, otherwise, if this is solely a civil matter, we will probably not find out what happened, as the case will be sealed from public view.

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Re: Singer/Actor/Dancer Chris Brown accused of rape

Look!  Unless someone here is really close (like maybe a relative) none of us knows the truth.


I was commenting that it would have been much better (for the accuser) to NOT bring this to Facebook or whomever it's being brought out to.


I'll say it again...Phew!  There are (unfortunately) a lot of people who love making some people's life a living Hell. 

That is probably what is going to happen.  There will be those who love Chris Brown and will feel the need to..well..make the accuser's life a living Hell.  Then others will feel like they need to attack Brown's 'people'...and so on and so on...


Unless this accuser (I'm not taking a side just saying for the sake of brevity) hence..accuser; has a really big and loyal people surrounding her (in person), her life is (at times) going to become almost not worth living.


Where Rihanna came in on my discussion was that ..with her being famous she had a very large support group of both personal friends AND an even larger support group of computer friends/fans.


I'm sure though, even with all the above mentioned support, there were STILL probably times when even Rihanna hated life.  After all she is human and has feelings.  It's only natural to be depressed sometimes.


We can all talk this to death but none of us know zip about any of this.


If we haven't learned anything in these past few years, it should be that we are..managed by others on what we (the public) sees and hears.


I'm exhausted from trying to explain what I meant.  I realize I rattle on and on; but it's only because I don't want anyone trying to figure out what imeant or didn't mean.


Finally, my comments in a few words...I know finally...I feel mostly for this poor girl because she's probably STILL being used by others.

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Re: Singer/Actor/Dancer Chris Brown accused of rape

@Mindy D wrote:

@gertrudecloset @In this particular story, I can't really tell if there was a "No," or even if anything happened at all. If the lady saved the text from the first encounter, then she has important credibility. If she met up with him, a man she was under no other obligation to, and she met with this man three times, I'm wanting to know more. The way this story differs from the Weinstein cases is that Weinstein held so much power over many of these women in the industry. In Brown's story, there would be much less chance that he had anything over this woman that would keep her needing to return two more times, only to endure more abuse. We will have to wait and see whether law enforcement becomes involved in an investigation, otherwise, if this is solely a civil matter, we will probably not find out what happened, as the case will be sealed from public view.

This is true @Mindy D .  My issue with her story is that she went back to meet with him two times after the assault.  Although one of those other times, she was accompanied by someone else.


I felt he was a predator based on what he did to Rihanna and because of the way he talks down to women, especially women of color.  If he did do this, no more slaps on the wrist, he should go to jail.  

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Re: Singer/Actor/Dancer Chris Brown accused of rape

Yes it will definitely be harder for someone who is unknown. 


That being said she needs to press charges. Accountability for a rapist isn't asking for a check. 

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Re: Singer/Actor/Dancer Chris Brown accused of rape

@pigletsmom wrote:

Yes it will definitely be harder for someone who is unknown. 


That being said she needs to press charges. Accountability for a rapist isn't asking for a check. 

Thank you @pigletsmom , I agree.  Jail time is his reward...

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Re: Singer/Actor/Dancer Chris Brown accused of rape

Ever since his encounter with Rihanna, I've detested him. 

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Re: Singer/Actor/Dancer Chris Brown accused of rape

I figured it was just an amount of time before he reoffended so I wouldn't be surprised if it were true. Women often go back to the men who abused them but that doesn't excuse it.