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SURVIVOR--Week of December 13--spoilers

Good morning, all!


Well, only one more episode to go (Next week is the finale--3 hours worth).  I'm afraid Austin is going to fall to the love curse.  He got bamboozled again last night.  I was glad he won the reward, and I can see why he chose who he chose, but was it a wise decision?  And Jake?  Well, don't count him out just yet.


The immunity challenge was a hard one.  I'd have been out in 30 seconds or less.  I have terrible balance. Surprised Austin hung in as long as he did.


And Drew.  You got too cocky, man.  Wasn't at all surprised.  Austin, save your goo-goo eyes for AFTER the show!

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Re: SURVIVOR--Week of December 13--spoilers

Jake's survival is quite impressive. He's been a target for weeks now and is still there. Julie too. If they get a shot to take out Austin, they pretty much have to. If they don't, he'll probably win his way to the end. 

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Re: SURVIVOR--Week of December 13--spoilers

When, if ever, will Austin realize that Dee is a user and has betrayed him twice? How could he not know that she was aware of the vote to evict Drew and didn't tell him?

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Re: SURVIVOR--Week of December 13--spoilers

@occasionalrain my point exactly--He's lovestruck and that never bodes well in Survivor.

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Re: SURVIVOR--Week of December 13--spoilers

@occasionalrain   Exactly!!!!!  Dee is the puppet master.


Julie is headed for the win.  She'll take out Dee or Austin next (whomever doesn't win immunity).  Obviously she doesn't want to go to the final tribal with either one of them.


I really don't care for the hour and a half format.  It really drags, imo.

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Re: SURVIVOR--Week of December 13--spoilers

How about that, 3 attorneys in the final 5.


Austin needs to be smacked in the head, forget Dee for now, and play the game.

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Re: SURVIVOR--Week of December 13--spoilers

I think that Dee is the one who deserves to win, but I don't like her. One minute she might seem okay and likeable, but then right back to smug.

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Re: SURVIVOR--Week of December 13--spoilers

If Dee is voted out next week. It will be full circle betrayal karma.

Austin betrayed the others by telling Dee about the plan to vote out Julie, Dee betrayed him by telling Julie and again by not telling him the plan to vote out Drew.