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@cheriere wrote:

During the holidays SNL usually airs a show of Holiday themed skits throughout the years. Remember the radio talk skit in which Alec Baldwin played a character named Mr. Schwetty? 😂😂😂

@cheriere , That was hilarious !

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I have to laugh when some say SNL has not been funny since the 70's.  They are not obviously not watching the show.


Adam Driver in the ShopTV sketch last week was hilarious.


My all time favorite sketches are "Mr. Schweddy" and Andy  Samberg and Justin Timberlake doing "**** In A Box."

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@cheriere wrote:

@LyndaGee wrote:



I think that show is on tonight, btw.  The commercial said Wednesday.

oh wow, thanks for letting me know. I'll set my dvr 😃


@cheriere  @LyndaGee   that show is on tomorrow, Thursday night.


"And suddenly you just know it's time to start something new
And trust the magic of Beginnings..."
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I just watched it on youtube, it was hilarious!  I kept thinking this is Kirsten and Alberti!

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Nailed it Alberti and Kirsten and.....Landies Candies????


Good thing I used the bathroom BEFORE I watched it!!!!

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Yes Yes Yes!!!



Christmas Season Classics all......!!


Just make SURE you use the bathroom BEFORE you watch!!!


PS: If you're easily offended or have no sense of humor, well, too bad!!!!

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I would definitely watch if QVC would implement the squeal!

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I always enjoy SNL and have for a long time.  There are so many skits which have made me laugh a lot, this was one of them!!!!!  

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@Tique wrote:

@cheriere wrote:

@LyndaGee wrote:



I think that show is on tonight, btw.  The commercial said Wednesday.

oh wow, thanks for letting me know. I'll set my dvr 😃


@cheriere  @LyndaGee   that show is on tomorrow, Thursday night.


Thank you!!!



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YES! yesterday my dh and I were talking about "**** in a box" and we both hope they'll show it again.