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SMASH returns - Tues, Feb. 5th

I can't wait for the return of SMASH next Tuesday even though - or perhaps, especially because - I've watched half of the Season 2 premiere on VOD. The already spectacular production values have been turbo-charged. The roster of mega-watt guest stars includes Jennifer Hudson and Liza Minnelli. If you read the recent Entertainment Weekly story, you know already that the show has been revamped completely. A few disliked characters have been written out; new faces have been added. Instead of focusing solely on the making of the Marilyn Monroe musical, "Bombshell," this season will take us backstage as other shows struggle to make it to Broadway.

SMASH has been called, "GLEE for grown-ups" and ITA. I watched GLEE until it became "The Lea Michele Show." Granted, she's talented, but enough! Every episode featured numerous Lea Michele solos, all shot in that dizzying, circling camera style that became cliche after the second or third time. After seeing her posing and preening on the Red Carpet at various awards shows, you get the feeling that portraying the aggressive, egomaniacal, succeed-at-any-cost, take-no-prisoners attitude of the fictional Rachel Berry isn't much of a leap from Lea Michele's real personality.

Despite having a cast headlined by such singularly accomplished, outstanding performers as Anjelica Huston, Debra Messing, Megan Hilty and Katharine McPhee, SMASH always appeared to be more of a true ensemble. The subject matter - the creative process of producing a musical and the effort it takes to get that show to Broadway - just seemed more intriguing. I suppose that once you've reached a certain age, high school pseudo-angst and over-the-top cartoonish, buffoonish characters are neither interesting nor appealing any longer.

SMASH returns on Feb. 5th at 9 p.m. with a 2-hour episode. The first half is available now on XFINITY VOD and online, too. (NOTE: Only the first half of the episode can be previewed.) Can't wait to see the rest.