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Running Away to the Cirque du Soleil

It's a really tough crowd.


"16x9 - Getting into Cirque du Soleil [Audition Documentary]"







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Re: Running Away to the Cirque du Soleil

When I last went to China (3 years ago) our guide, who has two young children, said he wouldn't allow them to train for one of the acrobatic shows (popular with tourists) because of the frequent serious injuries.  I believe that many of Circque du Soleil performers come from these schools/shows.

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Re: Running Away to the Cirque du Soleil

Amazingly brilliant much dedication for such a short career.  I admire their tenacity as well as their talent.

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Re: Running Away to the Cirque du Soleil

I love Cirque du Soliel and try to see the new show every year. I havel tickets for Saturday at Madison Square Garden for their Christmas show. The performers are remarkably talented and the shows spectacular.



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Re: Running Away to the Cirque du Soleil

@ Montana 


I know their shows are wildly popular (I've seen one), but they are not my cup of tea.


Without question the people performing are skilled and amazing, but I've never enjoyed dare devil type entertaining. 


As a child, my father took us to a circus in NYC, and one of the trapese artists fell.  Horrifying.  I already hated circus acts and this just reinforced it for me.