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Re: Resurrection season finale tonight 01/25/2015

Poppet...on Demand if your cable/satellite provider has this. Or possible

My religion is very simple. My religion is kindness ~ Dalai Lama XIV

When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace ~ Jimi Hendrix
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Re: Resurrection season finale tonight 01/25/2015

Even though I was very satisfied, I do believe there are some unanswered questions, though. Like why was Jacob feeling pain when the baby felt pain? Is Grandma Langston saying with Fred?

I was really hoping Tom would return in time to do battle with James. That would have been awesome. I do not believe the cicadas at the end mean the baby is evil...just that they probably want to smother the good child. JMO.

My religion is very simple. My religion is kindness ~ Dalai Lama XIV

When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace ~ Jimi Hendrix
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Re: Resurrection season finale tonight 01/25/2015

I also wondered what the baby had to do with Jacob's headache. I wanted Tom to come back and what ever happened to his wife? Aren't the locusts (or whatever they are) the returning??

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Re: Resurrection season finale tonight 01/25/2015

They didn't leave a lot of loose ends. I think maybe the producers of this show weren't sure if they were going to be picked up.

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Re: Resurrection season finale tonight 01/25/2015

On 1/25/2015 kacee11 said: I followed a show for two years on NBC called the pretender, following it so I wouldn't miss a beat and then they canceled it. Without wrapping up the storyline.

There was a show on years ago called Models, Inc. that I just loved, and it was up and cancelled mid season with no wrap up.

I am still "ticked" about that one. Smiley Happy

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Re: Resurrection season finale tonight 01/25/2015

I don't know how I feel about that finale. I don't think they tied up many loose ends at all.

I, too, was waiting for Tom to come back. Where is his wife? What really IS up with that baby? Why does the baby hurting make Jacob hurt? Is Preacher James right about the baby after all? Did all the returned people just leave Henry's house after the baby was born? Were they not afraid any more? Why not?

How can Earth sustain all the presently living with all the returns?

What is the whole point of them returning anyway? Is it the Rapture? What is going on? Too many questions. Erg.......

It's like the producers said let's wrap this thing up but leave a little something there to start with again "just in case" we get renewed, hence locusts at the window.

I really don't feel very satisfied with it. Kind of a let down.

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Re: Resurrection season finale tonight 01/25/2015

To quote a friend, the writers left a "window" open in case the network gives us another season. I hope they will and answer some of these many questions. I'll wait a bit longer before reading the book, just in case...

Don't know how to feel about the preacher, or the baby at this point. They have succeeded in keeping me guessing, and so interested. {#emotions_dlg.thumbup}

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Re: Resurrection season finale tonight 01/25/2015

Just watched this week's recording. Glad Marty and doctor came together. Good comments about a twist on the Rapture, BeckiWV.

Can Margaret make Preacher James go away?

What if the returned Tom is the baby? And James is the evil one, bringing back the returned and doing evil?

"I took a walk in the woods and came out taller than the trees." Henry David Thoreau
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Re: Resurrection season finale tonight 01/25/2015

Oh I think James is the evil one.

My religion is very simple. My religion is kindness ~ Dalai Lama XIV

When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace ~ Jimi Hendrix
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Re: Resurrection season finale tonight 01/25/2015

On 1/27/2015 ury said:

Just watched this week's recording. Glad Marty and doctor came together. Good comments about a twist on the Rapture, BeckiWV.

Can Margaret make Preacher James go away?

What if the returned Tom is the baby? And James is the evil one, bringing back the returned and doing evil?

That's a very interesting thought, especially since Tom is about the only one who hasn't come back (which would make sense if he is the baby).

Oh man, I really hope this show comes back. I just love it.

I, too, am glad Marty and Maggie got together. I was hoping they would. Smiley Happy