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Re: Really, REALLY OLD Children's TV

I remember Romper Room with the magic mirror to "see" all us kids.  The Merry Mailman,. Howdy Doody, Paul Winchell and Jerry Mahoney, Wonderama on Sunday morning after Church.   The begining of The Wonderful World of Disney and of course, the Mickey Mouse Club With Jimmy and Roy and Annette.  It is fun revisiting a peaceful time in my life.  

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Re: Really, REALLY OLD Children's TV

Oops not Bozo, it was Captain kangeroo.  I do remember Bozo thoughSmiley Happy

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Re: Really, REALLY OLD Children's TV

Uncle Floyd!  Used to watch at my Grandmother's house - She liked him, too, because he sang and played old songs on the piano.  Loved is sidekick Oogie, too !!!

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Re: Really, REALLY OLD Children's TV

Bozo, Romper Room, Captain Kangaroo and I remember watching Sky King. 

Why is it, when I have a 50/50 guess at something, I'm always 100% wrong?
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Registered: ‎06-19-2010

Re: Really, REALLY OLD Children's TV

Anyone who is a long time resident of Arizona will remember Wallace and Ladmo. Gerald was the privileged "brat" whom everyone loved to hate.  Ran over 40 years. 

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Re: Really, REALLY OLD Children's TV

The Banana Splits 

H.R. Pufnstuf

The Lone Ranger



Many of the shows, I watched as a kid, originally aired before I was born or when I was toddler.

☀️...And I think to myself what a Wenderful world.☀️
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Re: Really, REALLY OLD Children's TV

When my children were little it was Gumby and the usual cartoons. My older grandchildren was Teletubbies and Sponge bob. My young ones today it is Daniel Tiger. 

Of course, Sesame Street has spanned the years over all of them. 

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Re: Really, REALLY OLD Children's TV

anybody from pittsburgh remember knish the mop puppet?

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Re: Really, REALLY OLD Children's TV

Detroit area viewers should remember Soupy Sales, Milky the Clown, Johnny Ginger and Captain Jolly (with Poopdeck Paul)!


(Strange the things we recall, lol)

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Re: Really, REALLY OLD Children's TV

Anyone who grew up in Chicago in the late 50's will remember Ding Dong School with Miss Frances.  She would ring a big bell. 

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