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😲 Queen Of The South 5/12 Episode 😱







King George

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"Never argue with a fool. Onlookers may not be able to tell the difference."


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Re: 😲 Queen Of The South 5/12 Episode 😱

I am shock .

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Re: 😲 Queen Of The South 5/12 Episode 😱

I doubt it will happen, but I'd like for Pote & Kelly Anne to be able to have their baby & live happily ever after. 


I think everyone on this show is doomed, we already know how Teresa ends up from the 1st episode of season one.

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Re: 😲 Queen Of The South 5/12 Episode 😱

I love this show.  It is one of my favorites.


You are right about Theresa dying.  I really liked that chubby guy and stopped it for now because I figured he was about to die.

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Re: 😲 Queen Of The South 5/12 Episode 😱

Was King George able to take a photo of the fentanyl containers in the safe & get it sent to Teresa before Boaz came in? 


Boaz is such a snake & Teresa's insticts are right not to trust him.

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Registered: ‎07-26-2014

Re: 😲 Queen Of The South 5/12 Episode 😱

@aubnwa01"I'd like for Pote & Kelly Anne to be able to have their baby & live happily ever after."

From the previews for next week,

it appears something happens to Kelly Anne.  You see and/or hear Pote crying out her name.  Possibly kidnapped?


"Was King George able to take a photo of the fentanyl containers in the safe & get it sent to Teresa before Boaz came in?"

I believe so as he was coming up from behind the counter.  When they showed the phone on the floor w/a cracked screen, it looked as if the pic was sent as all you saw was "text" not photos.

"Never argue with a fool. Onlookers may not be able to tell the difference."


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Re: 😲 Queen Of The South 5/12 Episode 😱

I had to stop watching, too violent for me.

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Re: 😲 Queen Of The South 5/12 Episode 😱

I too hope Kelly Anne and Pote can live happily ever after.

I am looking forward to next week!!!
I hope Boaz gets what he deserves!
Such a great show!

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Re: 😲 Queen Of The South 5/12 Episode 😱

Ok sooooo....reading between the looks like one of my favorite guys gets killed by that gross psycho who cut off the head of the other guy.  


Phew!  Was that as complicated as it was for me to type it?  Ha!

I have one episode to finish and one to watch.