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Project Runway Season 18 MAR 12 (Episode 14 - Finale) - Spoilers Included

Recap of the Runway Shows:  I’ll put a link to the recaps here after Bravo posts them on their site.



I am just not impressed.  Glad she did at least include the pink in the collection, but that 2nd pink look fell short and looked ill-fitting.  I did rather like the last two white pieces. 



I really liked all of Nancy’s collection and her curvy models really rocked it.  That mesh garment at the end…  Of course, short, conservative me could never wear it.



Well, I did like the navy blue ball gown.  I don’t think he made that many changes to the pieces he was critiqued on besides the one the stylist asked for him to pair with a T-shirt.  He has really good technical skills beyond the other designers, but that doesn’t make it a better collection.



It does appear Geoffry took the judges critiques to heart.  Glad he changed out the models.  That yellow piece looks so much better on the black model.  But, I’m just not into big puffer jackets or those open-front dresses.  And, lord, that Michelin man at the end. 


All in all, for me Nancy is the clear winner whatever the judges say.  I'm sure they won't agree with me and that's okay.  I have made my choice.

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Re: Project Runway Season 18 MAR 12 (Episode 14 - Finale) - Spoilers Included

Geofreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! Yay.

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Re: Project Runway Season 18 MAR 12 (Episode 14 - Finale) - Spoilers Included

Just finished watching.  I thought Sergio was the clear winner here.  The judges just don't care for him - they like his work, but not him. 


Victoria had some nice casual outfits, but overall, nothing new there and her color scheme was underwhelming.  I did like the hats her mother made but those are more J Crew than high fashion.


I like Nancy's creativity and thoughtfulness in design but it is just not my taste.  I did like the wild print pants suit.


And now to our winner - Geoffrey.  I'm happy for him but I'm sort of agog at him winning.  His clothes were the most innovative, but are they wearable?  The coat at the end was ridiculous.  Remember George Costanza in Seinfeld when he wore the puffy jacket and knocked all the bottles over in the liquor store?  Well this coat was 1000 times the size of that. 


I really thought Sergio's collection was beautiful and wearable.  Oh well....

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Re: Project Runway Season 18 MAR 12 (Episode 14 - Finale) - Spoilers Included

[ Edited ]

I was disappointed but C'es la vie.


BTW, Brandon looks a lot different without his glasses on.

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Re: Project Runway Season 18 MAR 12 (Episode 14 - Finale) - Spoilers Included

Sergio was my pick for the winner.  His collection was gorgeous and pieces I would wear. 


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Re: Project Runway Season 18 MAR 12 (Episode 14 - Finale) - Spoilers Included

I was really happy for Geoffrey and surprised.  However, his collection did reflect the future.  Plus those puffer jackets were not easy to make especially that big one at the end (it was amost funny)  Geoffrey's dream came a little later in life but at least it showed up.  Congrats, Geoffrey.

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Re: Project Runway Season 18 MAR 12 (Episode 14 - Finale) - Spoilers Included

i thought Sergio was the obvious winner. he should have won in my opinion.



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Re: Project Runway Season 18 MAR 12 (Episode 14 - Finale) - Spoilers Included

Ok, I am watching the finale On Demand as I think it's important to watch the show with your eyes open (sigh):


Victoria:  The last three looks were very good (loved her finale look) but didn't care for the rest of her collection especially the branding plastered all over it as she is not a "name" yet and I find it repellent at this point in her career.  I get where she is going but for me she's not there yet.


Nancy:  I am obsessed with that optic fabric she is using and who doesn't love a very well done bejeweled prosthetic leg (good on Bravo for highlighting that conversation between Nancy and the model as it really brought everything home as she walked down the runway.  For me, that was the most stunning moment of the entire runway show and it really touched my heart).


Sergio: Goodness that man can sew but I am not a fan of all that fringe he insists on adding to his creations as for me it distracts from his overall product and gives me a 70's Dolly Parton vibe to the whole collection which is a shame as clearly that man has a gift.


Geoffrey:  Ok, I get why he won.  He had a very eclectic collection that somehow still hung together as a group and I have to say I am not mad at that overwhelming hockey puck of a jacket for his finale look.


Note to Brandon Maxwell:  The 80's yearbook called and they want their eye glasses back.  I love me some retro but those glasses . . . no, just no.


I am normally Team Nancy and thought she did a fabulous job but I am not mad at Geoffrey winning and wish all of them the very best.  Ok, now onto Top Chef All Stars!


And finally . . . I got to see a very sleepy SWATCH!  Heart

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Re: Project Runway Season 18 MAR 12 (Episode 14 - Finale) - Spoilers Included

@Icegoddess wrote:

I was disappointed but C'es la vie.


BTW, Brandon looks a lot different

@Icegoddess  how are you feeling?  Are you healing up ok?

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Re: Project Runway Season 18 MAR 12 (Episode 14 - Finale) - Spoilers Included

I can’t argue with the decision. It reminded me of season one when Jay McCarroll was the winner, based on his unique and creative point of view vs the glamorous collection of Kara Saun. I really enjoyed this season and thought that everyone showed some wonderful pieces tonight. I’m loving Christian’s mentoring. I stopped watching several seasons ago, but I’m back in with Bravo.