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I really liked this show but it doesn't have the social injustices so it must go. The acting was great and the characters were well developed. I will miss this series. Fox has a way of cancelling good shows and keeping the mediocre shows. No rhyme or reason for their decisions.

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Maybe if we contact the powers to ve either through Facebook or directly and voice our opinons on the cancellation it could make a difference 🤔I'm going yo you never know . I've always know that one letter , call etc represents 1,000 other people that dont take the time but feel the same way.
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My coworkers love this show. 

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@Shelbelle wrote:

My coworkers love this show. 

Mine do too, but I have never watched one episode.......It looks rather interesting though.....

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It's the final show tonight. Makes me sad.

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I read where they are shopping the show. They already had Season 3 ready to go. Hopefully, it will move forward. I really like this show. The finale was really good.

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I saw on Yahoo that there is a petition to keep the show Rebel on air....They are claiming it isn't fair because there were only 5 episodes, and that isn't a long enough time to build a fan base......So you never know-it can't hurt!!!!

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I love Prodigal Son and liked Rebel.  I did a search for new tv shows coming this summer and most are reality shows.  Not my favorite.  I then looked to see if Carter with Jerry O'Connell would be back and it has not been cancelled but also there is nothing set at this time.  The tv lineup for the summer is terrible.


Did anyone watch the summer show for the past two years about a guy named Alex, was some sort of spy for the U.S., moved to the Philippines to open a gift shop?  I cannot remember the name, but I liked that show and it is not listed either.


Anyway, I do hope that Prodigal Son ends up on another channel for next year.

The next time that I hear salt and ice together, it better be in a margarita!
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I'm disappointed too.  I just found out yesterday, a few hours before the Series Finale.  I'm a couple of episodes behind, but it was something to watch when Hubby wasn't around.  He's not into that kind of stuff, so I record it.  


@elated actually, they did have one episode that was in the realm of social injustice.  The episode where the white cop was ignoring calls for backup from the black detective and even handcuffed him at one point.  

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Registered: ‎03-13-2010

Watched the last show!  Hope it isn't the last show and it will be picked up!  The finale was awesome!  How can anyone not like this show?  It is so exciting and riveting?  The surgeon is just the best!  Please, don't cancel --- this is like my favorite show!  

"A day without sunshine is like, you know, night." - Steve Martin