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Pearson and Suits Start Tonight

Just a reminder Suits returns for its final season. Pearson starts a new series. Looking forward to watching both.

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Re: Pearson and Suits Start Tonight

I have my DVR set on this.  I adored her when she was on Suits.  


I like female characters who are smart and know what they want.  In other words, they can hold their own in what is still (unfortunately) a man's world.

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Registered: ‎04-02-2010

Re: Pearson and Suits Start Tonight

Who was she


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Registered: ‎04-21-2010

Re: Pearson and Suits Start Tonight

I thought Suits already had its final season.  Have the DVR set anyway.


I started watching Pearson -- the whole thing was in 

Spanish  Did I miss somthing????

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Registered: ‎03-11-2010

Re: Pearson and Suits Start Tonight

I DVRd both.  I am sure going to miss Suits, I loved watching Louis, Harvey and Donna.  I always watch a few episodes at one time so I am going to treasure the remaining episodes and watch them all at once.  I know it sounds crazy, but I hate waiting a week for the next episode.  I cuddle up on the bed, a glass of wine (LOL) and enjoy.  My DH watches what he likes on the other TV (action movies) so we are both happy.  I hope Pearson is as good as I hope it will be.