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Wow ! how do people find these old threads ?

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Registered: ‎03-12-2010

@SharkE Often, when deciding to write something, a similar title will pop up so the writer can decide if they want to start an entirely NEW subject thread or use one of the one's that popped up!


I know, for myself, sometimes what I want to 'talk' about isn't significant enough to start an entirely new thread so, I'll just use the thread that was suggested.


If the content and/or subject matter is similar, I think it makes sense to use the old(er) thread because it has more background information.


I enjoy (sometimes) going back and reading what other's have posted on the same subject I'm writing about.


I'm totally convinced that with humans the more we are different is also the more we are th same.


Often a person will feel he or she is the ONLY person with this idea or feels this way.  Then (as they start talking or writing) and other's join in, they find there are other's who think or feel the same.


This is just my opinion on how and/or why old(er) threads pop us.


I rather enjoy reading them and posting on them.  

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

@Annabellethecat66 wrote:

@SharkE Often, when deciding to write something, a similar title will pop up so the writer can decide if they want to start an entirely NEW subject thread or use one of the one's that popped up!


I know, for myself, sometimes what I want to 'talk' about isn't significant enough to start an entirely new thread so, I'll just use the thread that was suggested.


If the content and/or subject matter is similar, I think it makes sense to use the old(er) thread because it has more background information.


I enjoy (sometimes) going back and reading what other's have posted on the same subject I'm writing about.


I'm totally convinced that with humans the more we are different is also the more we are th same.


Often a person will feel he or she is the ONLY person with this idea or feels this way.  Then (as they start talking or writing) and other's join in, they find there are other's who think or feel the same.


This is just my opinion on how and/or why old(er) threads pop us.


I rather enjoy reading them and posting on them.  

@Annabellethecat66  Do you ever come upon a one of your own posts and think, 'did I really write that?' and then I think, wow, I sounded so intelligent, hahaha. And sometimes I'll come upon a post and agree entirely with it, only to find out I wrote it!!!! Hilarious. But sometimes, most times, I do not want to look at my own posts.

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Posts: 30,249
Registered: ‎03-12-2010

@Judaline  Yes!  Yes!  and Yes!  I do that all of the time.  That's what I did with this post!  


I was reading everyone's posts (which is rare for me).  It's rare that I read all of the posts because I have such a short attention span (a major flaw) that I'll loose interest way too fast.


But I did read maybe two of the posts and thought exactly what you said!  I thought, "Wow!  That makes total sense to me".  Then I saw I'd written the @#$ thing.  


It's embarrassing to admit that.  My oldest daughter (like myself) is a frustrated writer.  My late husband used to literally beg me to write a book.


I'd always say I don't have the organizational skills or would be willing to stick to it.  I'd get bored after a few pages and (like I do here) I'd be 'fliting' everywhere on every subject matter.....Sometimes I drive myself crazy with some of the way I change the subject, etc.


Not a lot sticks with me.  I'll remember people (mostly faces) no names, ever, and situations, but not be good on when or where I'd heard this or that.


I'm a perfect person to tell stuff to because I''m not good at mentioning the conversation without saying, "I think it was bla bla..." and "I thought she said this but I'm not quite sure and bla bla".  


I don't like people who "carry tales" maybe because I'm so bad at relaying information.  Ha!


There you go @Judaline this is exactly like I was just 'talking about' on another thread.  


The more we are different is actually the more we are the same.  


I think if people would talk to each other more, they'd find out we all have a lot in common with our ideas and thoughts and could learn a lot from just talking and listening to each other.


I honestly believe at the end of the conversation we'd either hug it out or at least shake hands.....I know I have hugged so many strangers and/or shook hands with people I'll never see again, but I do think of them and wish them well....


Oh! @Judaline I also just thought of this.  Along similar lines.  Have you ever written something (for school or whatever) and then had to go back and correct it as far as the 'thought' or what could make it better, etc?


Do you remember how difficult it is to do that?  THAT's also on reason I couldn't write a book or something...I'd go crazy trying to change things around.


My daughter's used to get so angry with me when I'd critique one of their school papers.  They liked their words and didn't want to change them.....


It's kinda like that with me.  Then I think about it and that pesky side of my brain (I have two that fight each other all of the time) says, "Are you so in love with yourself and your words that you can't take criticism".  


Ummmm.....(unfortunately) I'm sorry to say, maybe the answer is....(I'm whispering..embarrassed....Yes!) (But if you asked me in person....I'd deny it).  Ha!


Take care sweet girl!