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One of the new Hallmark Christmas movies.

I admit I am a Hallmark Christmas movie fan and no mattter how repetitive they are I usually enjoy most of them.     That was up until the one I watched this afternoon.   I usually DVR them and watch them on Sat & Sun afternoons.  


Today I just finished watching "A Merry Christmas Match".  I don't believe I have seen one this pitiful in all of the Hallmark movies I have watched over the years.


Where in the world did they find these actors?   I don't think there was one them who could have been considered a decent actor.   Even the casting of Matt McCoy, who I believe used to star in one of the Law & Order shows, could save this movie.  


The main characters' mother was pushing the daughter to go to LA with this unknown guy whose only claim to fame was that he came from a wealthy family and was going to inherit a bundle.   


The bestie friend was a complete airhead as was her unkempt and equally annoying boyfriend.


I have no idea where they found the actress who played the rich guy's mother.  She repeated her lines like she was reading them off of a cue card.  


Please accept my apologies if you enjoyed this movie.   It just wasn't my cup of tea.  


I think they fell short of the mark with this one.  


I'm looking forward to the one starring Melissa Claire Egen and Marc Blucas which I believe airs next week-end.    I really enjoyed him in "Operation Christmas".

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Re: One of the new Hallmark Christmas movies.

Didn't see the movie but I like all the Christmas ones that they show. I know that some of them are far fetched. James Brolin makes it a must watch.

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Re: One of the new Hallmark Christmas movies.

The Hallmark seasonal movies are addictive, even my husband will watch them. I agree, the acting is sometime not the best, but for the most part the acting is very good.I did see that movie.

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Re: One of the new Hallmark Christmas movies.

@J Town Girl  I agree with you. I also watch those movies. I know on the whole they are silly, and the acting is usually terrible, but I like them. This one was just beyond terrible. I agree with you about the rich guy’s mother. She must have gotten the job as a favor. I have to look up if she ever acted before. I watched a few of the Lifetime Christmas movies and they seem to have more substance to the stories. 

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Re: One of the new Hallmark Christmas movies.

@Catiele wrote:

Didn't see the movie but I like all the Christmas ones that they show. I know that some of them are far fetched. James Brolin makes it a must watch.

@Catiele  I don’t usually watch Hallmark Christmas movies but would make an exception for James Brolin!

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Re: One of the new Hallmark Christmas movies.

No, I haven't seen this one yet.  But I do agree that if the acting is really bad and there's no chemistry between any of the characters, then it's going to be a dud.  I can usually tell in the first 5 minutes of the beginning of a Hallmark movie by the look, music and acting of the first actor whether I will be able to watch it.

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Re: One of the new Hallmark Christmas movies.

[ Edited ]

You can add Christmas Reservations with Melissa Joan Hart. She can not act. Michael Gross and Markie Post was in the movie. It took place in a snow lodge owned by her father. Her former boyfriend and his two children show up. No chemistry and boring. 

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Re: One of the new Hallmark Christmas movies.

They certainly are on the B list, maybe even C or D.


There are a handful of actors I enjoy watching, never heard of these.



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Re: One of the new Hallmark Christmas movies.

@elated wrote:

You can add Christmas Reservations with Melissa Joan Hart. She can not act. Michael Gross and Markie Post was in the movie. It took place in a shoe lodge owned by her father. Her former boyfriend and his two children show up. No chemistry and boring. 

@elated, this was absolutely horrible.  I was watching it I believe Saturday night.  Dreadful.

Respected Contributor
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Registered: ‎02-05-2018

Re: One of the new Hallmark Christmas movies.

Hallmark is now churning out FOUR new movies each week to fill late October through Christmas. That's just too many to ensure quality.


I only made it halfway through Christmas Wishes and Mistletoe Kisses before giving up.