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Olympics Women's Final Figure Skating -- Spoilers -- don't read if you don't want to know who wins






















Anyone watch the Finals this morning?  Anyone else think the coach told her to skate bad so she came in 4th and the other two Russian Skaters she coached could get  medals?   She never should have been allowed to skate.  I feel bad for her a big mess. 





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Re: Olympics Women's Final Figure Skating -- Spoilers -- don't read if you don't want to know who wi

I was wondering that too.

We may never know.

It was devasting to watch.

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Re: Olympics Women's Final Figure Skating -- Spoilers -- don't read if you don't want to know who wi

One never knows what the Russians are up to.

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Re: Olympics Women's Final Figure Skating -- Spoilers -- don't read if you don't want to know who wi

Coming in 4th better than a stint in The Gulag Archipelago. 

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Re: Olympics Women's Final Figure Skating -- Spoilers -- don't read if you don't want to know who wi

I don't think the Russians should have ever been allowed to skate under "Russian Olympic Committee" in the first place.  All they did was change the name of a cheating Russian organization.


I feel sorry for the girl in question as she probably had no idea what they were giving her.


They are serial cheaters and should not not be included in the games.  And to answer the question, yes, it is likely that was the strategy.

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Re: Olympics Women's Final Figure Skating -- Spoilers -- don't read if you don't want to know who wi

I do not have sympathy for the competitor in question so I will just leave it at that. But I do have a question. I made a point of not watching the competition but was flipping channels this morning and saw the commentators saying there will now be an awards ceremony after all. And then it looked like the competitor who came in second was having a bit of a hissy. What was that all about? Was she in disbelief that her ROC teammate won the gold and she did not? She acted like she was not even going to participate in the medal ceremony. Was it sore loser syndrome or what??       

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Re: Olympics Women's Final Figure Skating -- Spoilers -- don't read if you don't want to know who wi

@pupwhipped wrote:

I do not have sympathy for the competitor in question so I will just leave it at that. But I do have a question. I made a point of not watching the competition but was flipping channels this morning and saw the commentators saying there will now be an awards ceremony after all. And then it looked like the competitor who came in second was having a bit of a hissy. What was that all about? Was she in disbelief that her ROC teammate won the gold and she did not? She acted like she was not even going to participate in the medal ceremony. Was it sore loser syndrome or what??       


Johnny Weir who understands Russian,  said from what he could hear,  she was upset about loosing the gold.  At first I thought she was upset for Kamilla. 

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Re: Olympics Women's Final Figure Skating -- Spoilers -- don't read if you don't want to know who wi

A very sad display of what the Russian ladies' skating program is about.

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Re: Olympics Women's Final Figure Skating -- Spoilers -- don't read if you don't want to know who wi

All the problems with Russia's lack of integrity, at least where this is concerned, could be resolved if other countries could step-up and end their domination of women's figure skating. Their rotten antics aside, as long as they have the best women skaters in the world, they're going to be on top of the podium.

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Re: Olympics Women's Final Figure Skating -- Spoilers -- don't read if you don't want to know who wi

For the first time that I can remember I did not watch the figure skating event.  I feel so sorry for that poor girl.  IMO, she was told to make mistakes so that the other Russian skaters who were eligible to receive a medal could.  Kamila is by far the best skater in the world and it is beyond sad to see this happen to her.