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I think Oprah has lost touch with her original fan base. In doing so, she has lost a lot of support.
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@Lakelife62 wrote:

Hilarious! Yes, people who post all day, every day on message boards are as accomplished as Oprah.

Give me a break.

You hate her for what she is, a successful, liberal, black woman. 


@Lakelife62 Oh Lordy.  I don't hate Oprah.  I would not waste that kind of energy on her.  She is fine. She is whatever.  But I am not going to worship her. I have my own, perfectly successful and happy life.  I am not jealous of her.  Nor are my feelings in ANY WAY related to her skin color - and to suggest so is highly offensive.

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@Puppy Lips wrote:

@Lakelife62 wrote:

Hilarious! Yes, people who post all day, every day on message boards are as accomplished as Oprah.

Give me a break.

You hate her for what she is, a successful, liberal, black woman. 


@Lakelife62 Oh Lordy.  I don't hate Oprah.  I would not waste that kind of energy on her.  She is fine. She is whatever.  But I am not going to worship her. I have my own, perfectly successful and happy life.  I am not jealous of her.  Nor are my feelings in ANY WAY related to her skin color - and to suggest so is highly offensive.

I never said you hated Oprah. I said "they" and "you" as the collective. Not my problem if you see yourself in my comment. I stand by what I said regardless of who feels offended.

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@beckyb1012 They both grew up poor, one grew up under Jim Crow. So what, they are both accomplished women in their own right, and I don't think Dolly and Oprah would be vying for winner of the bootstrap club.🙄

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@Lakelife62 wrote:

They hate her cuz they ain't her. She had the moxie, the brains, the motivation to pull herself up by her bootstraps (isn't that what everyone wants people to do?) and they know right well they could never do it themselves. Especially with the headwinds of racial injustice.

Oprah's a QUEEN, imo.


Woman LOLWoman LOLWoman LOL

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@Love to Run I agree with your observations. I chart the viseral ire directed to Oprah in 2008 because of her endorsement.  I like Oprah, subscribed to her magazine, and watch  a few of the television shows she produced on her network. She has made significant contributions.  It It might be enlightening if BW's career waa considered along with of Alice Dunnigan and Etrhel L. Payne who faced some situations that BW did not, yet, they pioneered.