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Nov. 10 will you tune in to see the last parts of Yellowstone?

I'm debating. We loved that show, and when it went to zero on showing up, I got a little mad at the situation.  Will you tune in?  I'll probably give in.

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Re: Nov. 10 will you tune in to see the last parts of Yellowstone?

I also love Yellowstone. By the time it starts back up it will be almost two years since the last episode. Way too long! But since I watched it from the beginning, I will finish it up.

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Re: Nov. 10 will you tune in to see the last parts of Yellowstone?

We probably will, these long stretches that so many shows seem to be doing are really hard on my old brain!

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Re: Nov. 10 will you tune in to see the last parts of Yellowstone?

I will, just for that episode.  I want to see how they 'dispose' of John Dutton.


After that, I most likely won't watch unless it's a heck of a lot better than it's been the last few seasons.

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Re: Nov. 10 will you tune in to see the last parts of Yellowstone?


I want to know how they will get rid of John Dutton and what happens between Beth and Jamie.

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Re: Nov. 10 will you tune in to see the last parts of Yellowstone?

Not me. I don't even remember what happened the last season I watched.

I would have to sign up to Paramount Network to watch. I'm not doing that just to watch it.

Kind of like Kevin Costner's movie whatever it's called. Not watching it either. He can go jump in the lake for all I care. 

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Re: Nov. 10 will you tune in to see the last parts of Yellowstone?

Sure will. Invested too much of my time not to watch the final episodes.

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Re: Nov. 10 will you tune in to see the last parts of Yellowstone?

Yes I will watch it.  I really liked the show....another one was a spin off called 1923 and it left several large cliff hangers.  I want to see another season of it and how things go.

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Re: Nov. 10 will you tune in to see the last parts of Yellowstone?

I'm not sure.  I really loved that show but it's been gone for so long I don't remember some of what was happening.  Also this is just a wrap up.    Closing story lines because Yellowstone is over.  Probably no point in watching.

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Re: Nov. 10 will you tune in to see the last parts of Yellowstone?

@qualitygal For sure!  Will rewatch the last episode to resfresh my memory first.