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Re: North West's First Mag Cover

[ Edited ]

Oh please no. We can't now have to endure the whole next generation of this bunch...

In my pantry with my cupcakes...
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Re: North West's First Mag Cover

Next cover will probably be for swimsuit season.

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Re: North West's First Mag Cover

It looks like she was very excited to do this.  She looks so happy.

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Re: North West's First Mag Cover

My opinion and a penny will give you 2 cents worth...A daughter likes to be like mommy...TA DAH!!! Success...Do not agree with this any more than dressing a child up for beauty pagents and have them perform like adults and having them feel they have and are better than other children their age...Let children be children, and then when they can decide if they want to be out there, on their own rights, then let it be, without exploiting them....This family is famous because of a murder trial, and for no other reason. Wow...That is not a reason that I would want to be famous for...

The strength of the wolf is the pack, and the strength of the pack is the wolf.......
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Re: North West's First Mag Cover

its shameful and disgusting for a parent to do that to a child at such a young age.  

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Re: North West's First Mag Cover

I agree that she's too young to make an informed decision about something like this.  Childhood goes by too fast...just let her be a child and do things a typical 5 year old would do...and after that what a typical 6, 7, 8, 9, etc. year old would do.  When she turns 18, then she can decide if she wants to model.  Even though she seems happy in the photos, it's still, in my mind, exploitation.

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Re: North West's First Mag Cover

She looks just like her father.

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Re: North West's First Mag Cover

The magazine cover says, "as a new generation comes of age." Comes of age? She's FIVE! And she's wearing pink eyeshadow. C'mon!!!


This family will do anything to stay in the spotlight. I was hoping Kim and Kanye would be a little more careful about raising their children.

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Re: North West's First Mag Cover

Child models start younger than 5 years old.

She’s cute. Has that crooked-baby-teeth-smile thing going on.

Believe me...if she didn’t want to be there, kids will tell or show you.



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Re: North West's First Mag Cover

Despite what I personally think of the whole K clan, the children that I have seen are very cute and adorable. I think their parents truly love them, but can't help themselves when it comes to putting their faces out there. Most celebs I would think would be ever mindful of that and use caution.