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It was pretty boring.


I have a feeling it wasn't meant to come back for a new season, Christine wasn't married yet in the episode that aired Sunday.

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Yes, Christine kept saying how much fun it was being single.  I thought she got married last year.  I guess the show is behind a season.  

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Re: No Sister Wives?

[ Edited ]

@CelticCrafter @lgfan 


Plus Kody  is still  raving  and blaming all the wives  for not following his rules,etc.😡


preds 06-21-20
"Always be thankful andyou'll have more than you know."
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I was confused with the premiere, but then I remembered Christine's wedding was a 2 or 3 part special. 

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I have not yet watched the entire episode. I fell asleep. It did state at the beginning that it was filmed in 2022. It stated Garrison's passing in March 2024. 


That is all I recall watching. I must have fallen asleep pretty quickly. LOL  

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@lenapecci you didn't miss a whole lot, Kody ranting and Robyn crying.

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@CelticCrafter wrote:

@lenapecci you didn't miss a whole lot, Kody ranting and Robyn crying.



Lately that seems to be every episode.

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Yes, airing Christine's wedding special, at the end of last season, did add to some current viewer confusion. Looks like we'll be playing catch-up time. Wondering why. Current season filmed in 2022.


I doubt we've missed enough for an entire season. Most will be old news by now. I think those following the Sister Wives would be hoping for something more current. 

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As someone who watches faithfully (guilty pleasure) I am about to give up viewing!


How many times do we hve to see the Kody rant?


I should have known they were going to replay footage when the program started out by stating the filming was from 2022!!!


This program has become so dragged out. 

Easier to google where they all are today and move on. 


PBS has some good programming at that same time slot. 

I'm jumping ship!Smiley Very Happy

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What disturbs me the most about Kody's rantings are the things he says.  He truly seems to believe he's been "wronged" by these women and that he is completely blameless for anything.  


He seems to think they should have appreciated him (or idolized him) simply because he put forth the effort to love them.  Frankly, I think he's a liar.  I believe he really did love them at one time, but because he's so smitten with Robyn, he refuses to admit he ever loved anyone else.  He's a real pig.