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Looking through my newspaper I stumbled on a review for this show. It's an 8 part series on Starz starting Saturday night at 9 :00 PM. It's the story of a family, mother, father, and 5 year son on holiday in France. Their car breaks down and are forced to find lodgings til their car is fixed. The father takes his son to a noisy outdoor bar where his son disappears. The show also goes 8 years to the future. This sounds interesting to me and I will watch the first episode. Oh yeah the newspaper gave it a B+!
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I guess I'll be the only one watching!

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010
Sounds interesting. I'll be watching too, thanks for posting this.

Formerly lainey since Shop Talk days. Had to change nickname due to new Forum
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I watched this show last night. It started off a little slow but then picked up. It seems to me the father in the 8 years since his son went missing hasn't come to terms with it. His wife (I think ex) seems to have moved on but is now reminded about it because of her ex looking in to what happened to their son. I will give it one more try.

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I just heard about this show and I set up the first two episodes to tape. I haven't seen the first one yet. Looks like Starz is repeating this over and over during the week. The critics seem to really like it.

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James Nesbitt is an excellent actor and don't see nearly enough of him lately. I'm watching and enjoying the series.
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I have the first episode waiting for me, but I haven't had a chance to start watching yet. Thanks for the synopsis. I didn't really know what all it was about. Truth be told, I can't even remember why I recorded it. I must have read about it somewhere. Now I look forward to watching, even more. Smiley Happy

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I watched the second episode and am on the fence about this show. I'm not sure I will continue to watch. For the handful of you who are watching what are your opinions?

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I have since watched the first episode and it seemed like it dragged a big for me. I don't know if I have E02 recorded yet but I want to watch it soon before I forget everything from E01. ha!

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I'm really enjoying this show and how there is a little more added to the mystery every week. I love the actor who plays Tony's friend, Julien. I don't know his name but I've seen him in other things (I think). I seem to prefer these slow, atmospheric, character driven shows.

I don't trust Emily's new husband, Mark.