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Did anyone watch Humans last night? It's on AMC at 9:00. I like this genre of shows. There are Synths that are like robots that humans can own that work for them. There seems to be a handful of Synths who can think and feel which is not the norm. The only actor I knew was Willam Hurt. I will be watching again, will you?

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I did watch and found it a little slow and boring. I'll give it another week or two before I make a final decision.

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I also found it a little slow.  I was looking forward to this so I will give it a full season.

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Oh man, I missed it! Totally forgot all about it! 😟
~ It's a good day when I didn't have to unleash the flying monkeys! ~
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This show has the feel of The Twilight Zone, which I never tire of watching.

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This show is incorporating interpersonal reactions between humans and AIs. Have watched one episode and I can't imagine where the writers will take this. It was fascinating to me. Interesting the mom's (and dad's) reaction when their children are involved.
~Have a Kind Heart, Fierce Mind, Brave Spirit~
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I watched the second episode Sunday and it is holding my attention. I thought the white guy on the run was human but now I'm not sure. The other synth he was with looked like he plugged something into him like a charger. I was thinking William Hurt's character, the doctor, was the father of the white guy on the run. Now I'm not sure of anything!
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I'm in the fence. So far I just think the show is ok. 

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I saw the third episode and it's starting to get more interesting. Am I the only one still watching?
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My husband and I really like it and it's hard for us to find shows we both enjoy,lol. Excellent premise and acting.