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Re: Netflix: Making A Murderer (The Steven Avery Story)

Thanks @MikafromTopeka. I'm going to look for it. 

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Re: Netflix: Making A Murderer (The Steven Avery Story)

@songbird wrote:

I'm familair with the story.  Innocent of the first charge, gets out and then commits one of the most horrible crimes ever, inflicted on a person who was there at the wrong time.  At least he is back in and never did get a dime from his law suit.  That was some scary guy.

I'm not entirely convinced of the sancitity of the investigation of Teresa's death, nor wouild I put a man away for life based on the word of a mildly mentally challenged boy who changed his story too many times to count.  He did get a small settlement but the rumors that the county did not have millions to pay out have never gone away.  This looks and smells like law enforcement run completely amok.

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Re: Netflix: Making A Murderer (The Steven Avery Story)

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Re: Netflix: Making A Murderer (The Steven Avery Story)

I just came here to see if anyone had posted about it. Absolutely enthralled with this story. Can't. Stop. Watching. It's just crazy. 6 episodes down, and I'm sure I'll finish tonight. 

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Re: Netflix: Making A Murderer (The Steven Avery Story)

Was going to add, as with Serial, Reddit has a huge thread about this docuseries. In case you wanted more discussion/info/etc.  I randomly browse over there, but you'd better believe I'll be checking it out when I'm done watching. 

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Re: Netflix: Making A Murderer (The Steven Avery Story)

We watched the whole tragic story unfold being that we are in the Green Bay televsion market and live just one county over from where Avery lived.  The man is so clearly guilty, and to include his nephew in the crime says everything I need to know about him.

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Re: Netflix: Making A Murderer (The Steven Avery Story)

I'm near Wausau AuntG and I thought the same way you did until I started watching this Netflix series.  

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Re: Netflix: Making A Murderer (The Steven Avery Story)

@AuntG wrote:

We watched the whole tragic story unfold being that we are in the Green Bay televsion market and live just one county over from where Avery lived.  The man is so clearly guilty, and to include his nephew in the crime says everything I need to know about him.

@AuntG, have you watched the documentary?

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Re: Netflix: Making A Murderer (The Steven Avery Story)

[ Edited ]

Spoiler below.........................








Wow, just got done watching this docu-series. It really made me question the Wisconsin justice system and wonder what my states' justice system is really like. 


A person is supposed to go into court with the presumption of innocence and then only be found guilty if there was no reasonable doubt. Steven Avery's legal team presented plenty of reasonable doubt. I would have liked to hear from the jury how they came to a guilty verdict especially when after the first vote only three of the jurors were voting that way. 

I can't say that Steven Avery did or didn't commit this crime but I do believe there was plenty of room for doubt. 


As for his nephew that was a complete sham. He had no representation at all -- his attorney was supposed to defend him and instead he gave the prosecution a gift. I can't believe that his case has been refused all forms of appeal so far. 

Just leaves me shaking my head in complete disbelief!!!!!!!!




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Re: Netflix: Making A Murderer (The Steven Avery Story)

I just started watching this: what a stunning story!