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My New Most Hated Commercials.

The ad with Ashley Graham in the shower hawking some razor.  The song/music drives me crazy.


E Harmony's new ads (seems to be 3 different ones).  Annoying music and one has a dark haired woman in leather jacket taking a selfie. Her tongue is hanging out of the side of her mouth like a poor drunken St. Bernard. Why anyone thinks that attractive is a mystery.


My DVR is acting up so I haven't been able to record shows and then FF commercials.  I've taken to having the remote glued to me to change channels and skip the ads,


Whoever dreams commercials up should be put in a room, duct taped to chair and forced to watch/listen non-stop for a few hours. If they are sane afterwards then put it on the air.

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Re: My New Most Hated Commercials.

I hate the one that starts with "don't say we didn't warn you".  A quick channel changer for me.

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Re: My New Most Hated Commercials.

Where shall I begin? Anything with Flo, especially where she plays several roles. On a related thème, The overdone Geiko commercials. They were clever and funny years ago. Now they're just dumb. Then there's the singing hood ornament. At least use some skill in creating the animation. It looks tacky. Any ads for reality shows. Last but not least, local ads featuring loud-mouthed car salesmen or their only-a-mother-can-love kids whose speech is so unclear that they can't be understood.


Most detested are the ads for prescription drugs. In most other countries they're not allowed. It seems that they must divulge possible side effects. My favorites are cancer, death and, the beloved, explosive diarrhea. I think it's a travesty that people who are dying of cancer are yet another "target" of greedy drug companies.

OK. I feel better now.

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Re: My New Most Hated Commercials.

Definitely the constant insurance commercials--especially  "Limu Emu...and Doug"

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Re: My New Most Hated Commercials.

I forgot one.  It is an insurance co, can't remember which one.  Lisa Loeb is in it.  I hated that song when she did it years ago and still do.



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Re: My New Most Hated Commercials.

I hate the one with the tennis player waking up at 5 something or other AM with a migraine. Because it's on incessantly. 


And Carter Mario the lawyer ads. 


And the medicine ones whenever somebody refers to what ails them as "my moderate to severe".


And there's another new one with some weird guy whose name I never catch that claims to amongst other things be an ice skater and to have great hair, don't even know what he's advertising because he's too cloying to resist hitting the mute button the minute I see his face. 


And anything medicare related. Dear God even the Joe Namath one still shows up.

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Re: My New Most Hated Commercials.

I just hate the ones with doorbells in them.  Rather, my dogs hate them.  Whoever came up with that ought to be sat in a roomful of dogs and have that commercial played on a loop.

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Re: My New Most Hated Commercials.

I hate the ones that reward bad behavior too...


The Mother chasing her daughter through the house with the fork of food in her hand "One more bite!"

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Re: My New Most Hated Commercials.


Long ago, in the interest of saving time, I started recording everything I watch regularly so I could play back and FF through the commercials.  It allows me to watch a one hour show in about 43 minutes.   Very efficient ... and don't we all have better things to do with our time?   


I am still surprised that people continue to watch TV shows in real time and sit through all those agonizing commercials .... seems like torture to me.  JMO, of course.

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Re: My New Most Hated Commercials.

This commercial has been out quite awhile but I still see it and it's like nails on a chalkboard.  The Lay's Potato Chips commercial with the lady singing at the end of the commercial...crispy, airy tasty Popables.  


I grab the remote when I see it's about to come on.

Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit, but Wisdom is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad.
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