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Re: My Big Fat Fabulous Life

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@colliemom4  I agree, and I am sick, sick, sick of Buddy, Buddy, Buddy, lol.  I think the only reason he is on the show is because Whitney is trying to help him, as he has no appeal at all.  Apparently, his girlfriend finally wised up.  He needs therapy as he has a lot of issues.


I would think that the strenuous exercising that Whitney does would be an enormous strain on her heart due to her weight.


I think the story line needs to be changed into one wherein Whitney loses weight in a healthy way, and then showing how much better her life is with the weight loss, this could go on for years, I would think, getting tired of the same old, same old.  She proves that her life is not fabulous, all of the time, so the title is a misnomer at this point.

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Re: My Big Fat Fabulous Life

I forgot to add that there was a scene in which I looked at Whitney and wondered if she ever washes her hair. It looked down right nasty! I'm tired of the exercise gear as well. And what was she doing with that cat's hair? Pulling it out and smelling it? They certainly could have skipped that part.

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Re: My Big Fat Fabulous Life

@daisy4 wrote:

What I don't understand is why Buddy claims he doesn't have enough money to rent an apartment.  Yes, I know he is a recovering drug addict and most of his money went up his nose, but he has supposed to be clean for a while now.  Yes, he doesn't have a high paying job, but I bet he gets paid a bundle for being on this show for all these years.  If he is clean where is all that money going?  Doesn't sound right!


I also think this whole business with Todd quitting or not quitting is all made up.  Why would Whitney put up with someone with that attitude.  And isn't is convenient that the Camper was only spray painted on the picture and didn't actually damage the camper.  I think this show should be called My Big Fat FAKE Life!

@daisy4   YUP. Everything you said!  It is very scripted.  Totally NOT reality TV.  The only reality is that Whitney is FAT. 

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Re: My Big Fat Fabulous Life

But, yet, I will still watch themSmiley LOL

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Re: My Big Fat Fabulous Life

@Monketoes wrote:

But, yet, I will still watch themSmiley LOL

@Monketoes   Guilty😄

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Re: My Big Fat Fabulous Life

Smiley LOLSmiley Wink

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Re: My Big Fat Fabulous Life

Guilty here too- I like Whitney. She is so authentic, articulate, honest.  She likes herself and is confident,  despite the obvious- I think that’s admirable and HARD! 

True, it’s scripted but sometimes Babs and Todd are hilarious!  

Buddy is a bore to me, wish he would go away. 

Why can’t Whitney get a guy? Every one of the 500 pounders on the other TLC show have a partner, probably also scripted- 

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Re: My Big Fat Fabulous Life

Anyone watch tonight? I couldn't believe that Whiteny peed in the hot tub and told everyone else yet they got in it. Ewww!

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Re: My Big Fat Fabulous Life

@colliemom4 wrote:

Anyone watch tonight? I couldn't believe that Whiteny peed in the hot tub and told everyone else yet they got in it. Ewww!

Well that's just gross lol.  Interesting group of friends they are.  I am watching now.  I did turn away.  They were going riding atv's so I turned to reruns of big bang lol.  ok turning away again a stripper lol

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Re: My Big Fat Fabulous Life

Ok, so now Buddy is single again.  Why is it that he always sounds drunk?  Wonder if Heather has ideas about getting him back.  I wonder what is wrong with her that she thinks Buddy is a catch?